Part 1

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"Hyung can I have a sip of your hot choco" Taehyung asks, voice quaking, as a gust of wind chills him to his bones. They're out on their apartment's balcony with Taehyung lightly sketching the skyline against the golden sunset. It's for his art class and later he has to take out his watercolors and try to recreate the warmth of the scenery in front of him. A warmth he wishes translates to the weather.

Yoongi passes him the warm drink without any prompting. Not even looking at Taehyung's general direction. Without any fuss, even though he was talking Taehyung's ears off earlier about the weather and how it'll be good to bring along a jacket outside.

I'm just going to the balcony. It's not outside Outside. It's like...semi-indoor.

Riiight. I bet you'll be too lazy to get up once you start sketching.

Even so, Yoongi accompanied him. Although unlike Taehyung who is shivering in his thin shirt and shorts, he's comfortably wrapped in a fuzzy sweater and armed with a nice hot cup of cocoa. Taehyung really has to listen more to his hyung.

Yoongi sits beside him on the bench, hugging his midriff now that his hands no longer have insulation from the cold wind. He had always had poor tolerance with cold temperatures and Taehyung had to stop himself from teasing his hyung. He's not actually a part of his art class and as far as Taehyung knows he has no business being outside. It's peculiar, really. He could've stayed inside where it's much warmer and more comfortable.

Taehyung is almost finished sketching, about to pack up and head inside, when the rattling of the sliding door has them turning their heads to the balcony beside theirs.

"Why must it be chilly just when the dryer is broken and just when Gureum decides he wants to pee on my precious RJ." Their neighbor prattles to himself, unaware he has an audience. He's holding a white stuffed toy in one hand and a clothespin in the other while looking around, probably for a place he could hang his 'precious RJ'. He did a half turn, until his eyes landed on the clothesline over Yoongi and Taehyung's balcony.

It's only then that the neighbor notices their presence, his eyes lighting up and zeroing in on Taehyung. Taehyung already finds himself standing up to help since a plushie-loving person couldn't be a serial killer right? It wouldn't hurt to cozy up with their neighbors. Honestly he thinks it's long overdue, gotta be a part of a community and all that jazz.

He's already upright and dusting off eraser crumbs on the front of his shorts when Yoongi, surprisingly, beats him to it.

"You can use our clothesline, if you want." Yoongi speaks out loud, drawing their attention.

Yoongi strides closer to their neighbor while Taehyung watches as his roommate converses with the—now that he has a good look—very handsome man. He can't help but notice that Yoongi looks a bit agitated, his usual nonchalance out of the metaphorical window. His shoulders are tense and pulled closer, similar to a spooked cat. But still he doesn't shy away from the conversation and their neighbor looks amiable and cheerful enough that Taehyung doesn't think he has to butt in and save his hyung from an uncomfortable situation.

"Thanks! You're a lifesaver." shouts the good-looking fellow as he brazenly leans across his balcony railing to grab Yoongi's hands and shake them with vigor.

Yoongi is too caught off guard to evade, at least that's Taehyung's initial thought. It is not a secret that his hyung doesn't take well with being physical with someone he met a few minutes ago. It took Taehyung at least a year of cohabitating for Yoongi to not grumble whenever he initiated a hug and now this stranger has breached Yoongi's very selective personal bubble.

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