ai hia!(fluff and light smut)

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"No! I'm not gonna stay extra time! This isn't fair. You make me do extra laps everyday. My legs hurt so badly while you just sit and watch me swim and yell at me to go faster!!!"
Team pouted, hands crossed over his bare chest, clearly mad at the now president of the swimming team, Win.

"Really!? And who gives you the leg massage afterwards? Huh?"

"You ARE supposed to do that as a boyfriend! You're not doing me a favour oaky!?!"

"Yes well and I never deny that, do I? Tell me Pao, who's benefit will it be if you do two extra laps? Mine? "

"Yes. Definitely yours!"

"What!? How is that even a legit thing to say!?"Win said, clearly irked up

"Yes. I'm sure you don't want a chubby boyfriend that's why you keep making me do exercises. You don't even let me eat more than 3 packets of chips in a day!"

"Excuse me!? How could you just say that Team-? And do you hear yourself?! Which sane person had 3 packets of chips in a day!?! I thought we agreed on two packets per week!!"

"No wait- did you just- did you just call me- Team- instead of- of- you know what I'mso done. I'm getting out of here! "Team stated like it was some ultimatum and turned 180° to escape the stadium when Win held his wrist.

Team turned back , clearly expecting his boyfriend to say sorry, well atleast hug him or tell him it's it fault but the moment Win opened his lips, well let's say Win will be Win.

"Nope. You really think it's that easy to get away? Just by saying two loud words you really think I'm gonna leave you early and let you eat junk? Not happening. 5 laps. NOW. And it's the club president speaking, not your boyfriend"

Team groaned when his boyfriend glared at him, clearly not buying any of his childish nonsense but then got into the pool .

If tomatoes could have a face, that would look like Team's, red and plump with anger as he did his laps.

"Team if you think being that slow and sulking is gonna help you, let me tell you how wrong you are. I'll make you do 5 more rounds, how about that?"Win said standing form the podium.

When he was finally gone and was thoroughly exhausted , he pulled his body out of the water and got to the metal stairs when Win came and stood in front of him with a smug smile plastered to his face.

"Pao, you were pretty good back there, broke your past record"he smiled

"Get lost"he said without looking at his face and Win clasped his wrist to stop him.

"Don't touch me"Team snapped.

"Oii don'tbe mad at hia na?"Win said as he came and wrapped his arms around Team's wet body, clearly unbothered that he was getting wet in the process too.

"Ahhhhh leave meeeee"Team wiggled in his arms but Win wouldn't let go as he suddenly picked him up bridal style and started walking in the direction of the changing room.

"Hia put me down!!!"Team screamed but Win couldn't care less.

"Oy stop shouting or I'm going to throw you into the pool from here"Win said with a smirk that earned a glare from the younger guy he was holding in his arms.

"You always make me work extra hard. I'm seriously mad at you"he pouted, quieting down a bit in his arms

"Aww babe that's because I want the best for you"Win said as he placed a soft kiss on Team's forehead and Team giggled a bit.

The older walked to the changing room , still not putting him down as Team looked at him with hooded eyes and a red face

"Don't look at me with those eyes, or else-"

"Or else-?"Prem challenged

And that was it, as Win pushed Prem onto a wall and picked him up while the other wrapped his legs around his waist , only realising seconds later that they were still in the university .

"Hia someone might see us-"but Win was too far gone as he cut off his words by pressing his lips against Team's, indulging himself in a passionate make out session as his hands travelled up and down the younger's body, not being able to get enough of it. The room was filled with hot moans and occasionally Prem giggling " tickles" as the other continued ravishing eevry spot if his immaculate body, latching his lips onto his hardened pink buds, lingering down to the ivory skin on his belly as he swirled his tongue in the depression in the centre of it, while droplets of cold water still dripped from his naked skin, igniting his body and making him feel like his loins were on fire as he tugged onto the other's hair, and scratching and biting down his back to stifle the overwhelming moans, until Team was reduced to putty under the other's skillful hands and tongue.

"That's it baby. As much as I want to eat you here on this very bench, I'd rather save the dessert for later " Win said pulling out from the kiss, leaving a very panting and riled up Team still pinned to the walls.

"Let's get you dressed up and find something for that little tummy, shall we?"Win suggested making Team realise the rumbling in his stomach announcing it's existence. He buried his face into the crook of the older's neck and nodded, making his boyfriend smile at his cuteness and innocence and he made him sit down and went to grab the towel to dry up his Pao's hair after which they would go for some dinner, probably even a packet of Lays since his baby had been so good, but dessert would be served later, for sure ;)

Heyyy guys I'm updating this book after what feels like aeons. Ik it's not smut. I wanted it to be sweet and a but fluffy and funny. Sorry if i disappointed you, it's not a continuation of the last part though :)

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