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Team scanned the whole swimming area with hawk eyes. Win was nowhere to be seen around the campus since morning and it wasn't like he was worried or anything, like win didn't get kidnapped ofcourse, right? Probably he was busy in one of his classes or helping out the professors or like he had assumed, helping Dean and Pruk with the swimming team stuff but he was disappointed when he didn't find him here as well.

Finally, seeing he had no other option left, he decided to ask the scary president of the swim team, who literally could kill with his icy cold glares, or so Team thought,

"umm P'Dean?" Team asked as he hung the bag on his shoulders and came to talk to the senior who was busy discussing something with the other elders. Team couldn't care less as he nudged him from behind, tugging at his swim jacket.

"oh nong Team. What's wrong, why haven't you changed and started practising yet?"the older asked in his usual scary voice that made Team want to run away and jump into the pool instead or anywhere to escape him. On other days, win would always be there to cover up for him, whenever Team was fooling around and protect him from being scolded by Dean, taking the lashing upon himself, when Dean would yell and tell him that he was the one spoiling the junior and it would only backfire later.

"do you know where's hia? " Team asked with furrowed brows and a pout.

"win? Yeah . he didn't come today. He took a sick leave."

"SICK?!"Team almost screamed aloud.

Why wouldn't he tell him? They were dating after all right?! And win would always be there even if Team got a small sneeze, buying medicines and babying him and well being there beside him?! So shouldn't he be doing the same for him, what use then would he be of?!

"yeah umm...he got a fever and I just remembered that ... he told me to not to tell you"

Dean shot a creepy grin while rubbing the back of his neck, which only Pharm would've found cute. Or maybe not even him.

Too late. Team was already sprinting back to try and get to his huia as soon as possible. If he could teleport right now, he definitely would but before he took another step forward, he felt a strong hand grab his shoulder and he turned back to face an annoyed Dean

"you're not going anywhere without completing your training"

"but phiii, hiaaaa"

Team whined and was starting to protest but was cut off when Dean glared again at him "I'm not making a proposal here. It's an order from your senior and the president of the swim Team. Geet inside. " he said and swiftly walked back into the club room , already well aware that Team didn't have the guts to disobey him.

After a long wait and tenuous practice and classes all day,Team was finally ready to go to his boyfriend and do whatever he could to help his hia. He decided to first go for shopping. His hia didn't need to have any shit food while he was sick. Team would cook for him himself. But wait, the problem was that unlike Pharm, Team knew nothing about cooking. He wondered sometimes why the hell did win even like him, he wasn't particularly hot or desirable, or even adorable and petite like Pharm, he couldn't cook, he couldn't show he cared and hia must've felt at some point that team was more of an annoying younger brother than whatever he was of a boyfriend.

BOUNPREM/WINTEAM Oneshots Because Why Not?Where stories live. Discover now