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Ji won's POV

I was so confused. *Am I dreaming*. I pinched myself. "Ahhh it hurts".

"It's not a dream. We and you really are vampires." Kook said. They looked at me. Their eyes changed to red.

"I need some time". I got up and walked towards the stairs.

"Sure" They said.

"We are here if you want to ask something" Namjoon said. I nodded and entered my room.

After a while

I was looking blankly at the ceiling. My head was filled with so many questions. I thought of going downstairs after calming down a bit.

I heard the door open revealing Jungkook. I looked at him. He came towards me and sat on the edge of the bed.

"I know that these things are quite sudden for you. I am sorry". He said while hanging his head low.

"Why are you sorry. It's not your fault". He looked up to meet my eyes. "Let's go downstairs. Everyone would be waiting" I said and gave him a smile.

I followed behind him to the living room where everyone was sitting. They hung their head down seeing me. "It's ok everyone. I have to accept it either today or tomorrow". I gave them a smile. They smiled back.

*Such a strong girl*. I heard someone. I looked up but no one was speaking. I looked at everyone and what....... Taehyung is smiling and a boxy smile. *Oh my hearteu. Taehyung smiled* . I thought. I felt butterflies in my stomach.

Taehyung looked at me again with an expression less face. He locked his eyes with me then broke the eye contact. *It felt like he knows what i was thinking*.

I said to caught everyone's attention. "So. If i am a vampire. Why didn't I knew about it before".

"You are a royal vampire. So your powers are unlocked on your 18th birthday." Namjoon continued. "But as they have started unlocking before. That will be because you needed them at that moment".

I made a 'oh' face listening to every word he said.
"So it means when you brought me here , you knew I was royal". I looked at Jungkook.

"I was not sure but as you are my sister so yeah".  Jungkook said. "Why are there royals vampire and normal ones"  i asked them.

"The throne that should be your and mine this time , passed on as generation of royals has been stolen by Sok Eun. Who killed our parents to get the throne. The royals need to get it back and rule the vampire world which is suffering from cruelty Because of her " kook said with anger in his eyes.

"So what would we have to do". I said.

First we will train you". Jin started.
"Then you need to go to the Death Cave to get the katana which is the only weapon to kill the evil" Jimin said.

"But why is this cave named Death Cave".

"Because only a royal can go inside it. If a non-royal vampire does then they never come back" Taehyung said still looking at the book he was reading.

I asked them some more questions which I was curious about.

"Come down. The dinner is ready". Jin oppa said.

"But according to what i have read in stories. Don't vampire drink human blood". I asked curiously.

"Vampire do. But human blood is forbidden. We drink animal blood". Namjoon said.  "But where do you read this from" Yoongi asked me. "Uhmm.... Wattpad where people write stories".


"Breaking news : Many of the teens are found killed in the XXXX." The reporter said as Jungkook turned on the TV.

"Oh what the f***". "They are starting it again" Yoongi said.  "But isn't human blood was forbidden you said" i said.

"Some vampires do this even when it is forbidden. Before they were killed by the laws. But now Sok Eun allow them to do so and those who don't obey her are killed" Taehyung said.

"And that's why we need to stop her" Jungkook said. "Let's eat for now". Jin said and turned off the TV.

Time skipped

I sat outside to get some fresh air. I was looking at the starry sky , praising nature's beauty that i didn't realize someone's presence beside me.

"Here put it on or you will catch a cold". I looked at Taehyung. He put a jacket on my shoulder. "Thanks" i said putting it on.

He sat beside me. "What are you doing" He asked me.

"Just thinking how beautiful the nature is". He also started looking at the sky.

There was a silence between us. Not an awkward but a comfort one. I decided to break the silence.

"So can I ask you a question". I said.

e nodded as a reply.
"Why are you so different from others. I mean I never saw you smiling and you always have an expressionless look". I asked full of curiosity.

He sighed and looked at me. "I don't like smiling. I am a bad person Ji Won". He said looking at me with his ocean like eyes.

"But i don't think you are. I__" i got interupted by Teahyung. "Don't think too much". And he left me alone with my questions. I also got up and went to my room. *Good night Everyone* i thought. But *Good night you too Ji won*. I looked around but there was no one in the room except me. It sounded like Taehyung's voice but how can I hear him when he is not even here.

*You are thinking too much Ji won* i said to myself. And went to sleep.


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