Part 1

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Kenma wakes up after his long sleep seeing a present on the night stand he slowly approaches the night stand. He opens the present and see's a note and a beautiful necklace the note said 

[note: Good Morning my love i hope your doing great, here is a little present for our aniversary theres a bigger one outside!                      -love kuroo]

kenma gets up and goes outside confused he approaches the door, he opens the door seeing nothing but air, as he slowly turns away he feels someone hugging him he turns around and sees kuroo. Kenma stays speechless while kuroo says to kenma's ear 'hey babe' kenma looks into kuroo's beautiful golden eyes.Kenma says ' hey babe..' kuroo looks at him confused 'babe is something wrong?' kenma looks at him very afraid and says ' n-no babe im just f-fine' kuroo backsup two spaces and looks at kenma ' you know babe you can talk to me whenever' kenma says 'yeah..well gotta go' kuroo looks into kenma's cold hands ' pudding get some rest see you later..' kuroo turns away and go to his car and leaves. Kenma goes into his house and says' do i really love you?' he starts looking into his shivering hands and starts crying while he sits on the floor. kenma stops crying for a second and looks at his phone blinking 'oh its a message from who?' kenma sees its a message from hinata.


hinata[ Hey! How is you doing kenma?]

kenma[ just fine.. you?]

hinata[ kenma are you lying? because your never text me like this..and im just fine]

kenma[ well kuroo came by my house because its our anniversary and i think i made him very confused and sad and he left..]

Hinata[ Oh relationship problems i see..well if i were kuroo i would do that too but.. you were a bit rude on him you know]

kenma[ yeah im really sorry too]

Hinata[ dont say that to me stupid! say that to kuroo your invited to my place and its final come by right now!]

Kenma[Fine let me get ready be there in five minutes]

Kenma got dressed and was on his way to Hinata's place he see's kuroo car at the front of Hinata's house but he dint care and went straight in he see's Hinata and Kayegama hugging kuroo and kenma says hi and rushes into the bathroom locking himself in. Hinata looks into the door and says ' Kenma come out now!' kenma unlocks the bathroom door and hinata pushes kuroo into the bathroom and locks both in there with the key. Kenma looks very afarid into kuroo's golden eyes kuroo says in a sad way ' do you love me..? or are you using me' kenma starts crying and kuroo looks at him very awkardly. Kenma looks at him and says ' Im sorry luv but i dont really know' kuroo looks into kenma's eyes and says i think we should breakup..kenma starts crying again and hinata opens the door as kenma rushes out of the house into his car crying.hinata asks kuroo what went down and kuroo said we are over while he gets out of the house while he see's kenma driving away.kenma got distracted cause all of his tears on his face  and hands he closes his eyes while a car was comming and he opened his eyes in the last second, kuroo gets a call from he hospital while he was sad and confused. he answers the docter tells kuroo that kenma got in a grave accident and he Isnt sure kenma will survive.kuroo's face turns into shock and says ok..he gets into his car crying, 'Kenma..i really really love you my pudding what did i do wrong?...As months go by and nothing of kenma, kuroo gets into deppresion while knowing what happend was his fault. he gets a call by the docters that kenma is in a coma and he survived but will be in a come for two more months kuroo got a little bit more happy.He plans going to the gym through those two months he got fit again he went to the hospital with a bouquet of roses in his hand he enters the room that kenma's in he see''s kenma crying. he says to himself' pudding stop crying...' kenma looks at kuroo while kuroo says ' How are you doing?' kenma gets out of his coma while he hugg's kuroo. kenma says very loudly ' can we please get together again? i love you so muchh!!' kuroo cries a little bit and screams yes.Kenma and Kuroo wre together for another 4 months chrismast was comming up and kenma wanted to surprise kuroo with a beautiful children we went to the adoption center he see's 2 beautiful kids with beautiful black hair. He adopts both and told them  they were gonna have two daddys as the both kids looked at each other they said ' okay daddy 1' kenma smiled and went to kuroo house kuroo opens the door. He see's Kenma holding hands with two beautiful black haired kids kenma says very happy' These our kids!' kuroo started crying and the both kids said' daddy two!' and hugged kuroo as kuroo hugged them. the got a big house and a room for each kid and a big room for kenma and kuroo, one day kenma came home to see no one at the house and see his phone have two missed calls from kuroo kenma called kuroo back but kuroo dint respond. Kuroo send a messaje to kenma


kuroo[ Pudding come asp! im at the hospital with the kids]

Kenma brings some snacks to the hospital as he see's one of the kids in a coma kenma asks kuroo what happend and kuroo says that one of the kids fell of the stairs bringing your present kenma looks at kuroo like if kenma was the one responsible for it and it was his fault.Kenma starts crying kuroo hugg's kenma and says my love my pudding we are getting through this we will never stop loving each other you hear me never! kenma stops crying and kisses kuroo, as the other kid says ' eww kisses blah' and hey all laugh together. kuroo kisses kenma one more time and kenma blushes 

                 -I recomend you guys reading this while hearing the song called ilove you billie eilish Thank you i miss spelled alot of words-     from your beautiful narrator <3-

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                 -I recomend you guys reading this while hearing the song called ilove you billie eilish Thank you i miss spelled alot of words-     from your beautiful narrator <3-

Do i really love you? ( KuroKen)Where stories live. Discover now