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Chapter. 3

I walked out of the bathroom flustered at the event. I slowly and stiffly walked back to the Ceo's office. I opened the door to see someone working at the desk. Finally, I sighed, this must be the Ceo I work for. I slowly moved forward bowing my head while introducing myself.

"Hello, Mr. Kim. I'm your new assistant Jisoo Park..."

I waited for a reply but instead, Mr. Kim lifted his head. I looked at him shocked. Mr. Kim wasn't an old man. But he was the man that I met in the bathroom. Shocked I slowly backed away and apologized for what happened earlier. Why was I apologizing when it wasn't my fault, he pushed himself onto me.

"I'm busy working" he sighed and went back to work.

Shocked at the fact that he didn't talk about the bathroom at all. I slowly backed up and sat on the couch across from the desk. I sat their self-conscious pulling my skirt over my legs. I sat there for a few minutes. Waiting for someone to text me to have something to do.

Instead, Mr. Kim got up from his chair walked over to me towering over me. I gulped at the sense of being in such an awkward situation once again. I can't believe I have to work with him.. He raped me.

He stood there for a second and threw 3 inches worth stack of papers beside me. I yelped surprised.

"Get it done by Tuesday" He stated.

"but sir... Tuesday is tomorrow there is no way I could possibly-"

" then start on it now, if you can't finish it by tomorrow you aren't fit for this position" He asserted.

Sighing I grabbed a pencil and starting filling out the paperwork. Why was I doing this? Isn't this HIS job... I looked over to his desk to see him hard at work doing his stack of papers. He really was handsome. His crimson eyes were so ethereal. They must be contacts.

"Are you gonna get started or are you gonna keep staring at me?" he remarked.

How did he know I was looking at him if his head was down? I ignored it and got back to writing now flustered.

An hour has passed and he got up walked over to me once again and put his hand out to me. Was he helping me up? I reached out for his hand smiling at this kind gesture but he slapped my hand away.

"The jacket.." he muttered.

"Oh.." I was surprised.

He reached his hand back over to me... I took off the jacket quickly covering my overexposed cleavage and gave him his blazer. His hand reached out grabbing it touching my hand for a second. I shuttered at the slight touch of his hand. His hands were cold, ice cold. Is he even alive? He slowly walked out of the room with his belonging and turned the lights off.

How rude, did he really leave me in here with the lights off.. alone? Sighing I got up and walked out the door. I made it to the bottom of the building noticing my mom waving at me. I ran over to her and got in the car.

"Here's your shirt honey!" she handed over the shirt.

"Mom. You're 2 hours late" I sighed annoyed.


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 24, 2020 ⏰

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