Villain Chapter 2: Arcadia Village

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Once he actually went about exploring the new world, many facts of history were changed. The Crests were now granted to humans by The Goddess herself. There were only ever two continents on the planet, and the third had apprenty been forgotten about. It did not take much to piece together that the continent sunk. Which left the Labyrinth he was born in and Dragon's Gate submerged and forgotten about... Just waiting to be used.

Numerous of Naga's children were still alive. Before anything, he needed a following. After all, what is a god without believers?

He would head out to find suitable minions or reunite with remnant of the former army he once controlled.

As he travelled, he heard rumors of a village where Dragons and Humans coexisted. It only took a few weeks from there to track the intense magical energy coming from the desert which could be linked to the village.

It would appear as if two powerful sages have made the village their home. But Grima sensed something more... Sinister lying inside one of the sages. Not only this... But one of the accursed stones to the Fire Emblem lied here.

All it took was a little tailing and mind reading... And Grima formulated a plan. One of the Sages had left two of his children in The Dragon's Gate. And sought desperately to save them. The only reason he is at this village is to use their tomes to gain magical power to reunite with his children. And his studies have already begun to recently take a... Darker turn.

He confronted the Sage alone in the woods one night when he went out to gather herbs.

All it took to hook the old man was one mention of his children's names. His gaze met Grima's. Grima offered the Sage a solution to gather more power.

Nergal, who at this point was desperate to see his children again due to years at the village not paying off, followed his instructions to a Tee. It was only a bunny right?

Soon, after killing and absorbing what Grima named Quintessence from these animals, Nergal was convinced this was the fastest way to see his children again.

He started to leave the village often in search of powerful people to absorb.

After a long while... Nergal was powerful enough to even absorb some Quintessence from Grima himself. With the help of Grima, he captured one of the Dragons from the village, and found himself fascinated by their power. Or any of the Laguz in general. Fascination and absroption quickly turned into experimentation.

With his first few pawns in play, it is time to take his first treasure. The stones.

Without these, the humans stand no chance. Convincing Nergal that the Stone was the fastest way to get more power, the two set off. With a few... Experiments to aid them.

Chapter 2 begins with Grima (now having powerful dark magic as well as a 1 - 2 range Sword) working with Nergal and a few green units that are each an amalgamation of different Laguz. (I am thinking they look similar to the monsters in Alphys's True Lab in Undertale if you have played that. A mixture of various creatures that should never be put together).

You are up against Athos and the Dragons at the Village. What at first starts drastic, turns into carnage as the Green Units constantly spawn in and the village slowly wears down. Athos retreats bringing a few dragons with him.

The Stone is taken... And will be used later against the humans. For now... The first hurdle is over with.

Time before Chapter 1 with Marth: 370 years

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