Villain Chapter 6: Greater Power

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With at least one of the gods slowly getting weakened, Grima headed out. The next few phases of his plan were going to require a lot more power than he currently possesses in this body. In other words, it was once again time to find a new Vessel.

This would again be a temporary body, but it needed to have innate magical abilities before hand. Plans are progressing ever closer towards the final Vessel.

The search for powerful mages began. Eventually... One was found in the country of Plegia. He was currently serving a joint position a Court Wizard and Strategist for the army.

He was a perfect candidate. Grima began to devise a way to possess him without anyone knowing. As he watched him and the man he served, an idea crossed Grima's head.

The man currently ruling Plegia was a tyrant. The people suffered under his rule. Families starved daily. Liberating these people would most certainly create him followers. After all, peoe cling to whatever they can when they are desperate. Not only this, but it is a great way to corner Validar and possess him.

Chapter 6 begins with your forces already surrounding the capital. As the battle progresses, Validar gets more and more desperate until he orders his men to do a suicide tactic. (Something like lure the main force into a side tower and burn the whole thing down or something like that). Once suggested, his men begin deserting en masse from both fear from Grima and plans from a commander they saw as horrible.

Cornered, Validar and the tyrant surrendered. Grima took control over Validar's body and tossed aside his old one. With no use for the mad king, Grima slayed him on the spot. He proceeded to take control over Plegia himself.

The story given to King's Landing was that a civil war took place to overthrow a king. No one would question anything. The townspeople were living as happy as they had been in years. And with this joy, came news that only by following Grima's dark magic was Validar able to overtake the Plegia.

And thus... The Grimleal were formed.

Years before Chapter 1: 263

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