Chapter One: Raven

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Raven's POV

** New Email**


Subject: Summer Camp Registration

Dear Raven,
The three-year-long wait is over. It's time to sweat out and enjoy the summer heat. We present to you "The camp" known to be held every three years and every time with much more exciting adventures and mysteries. This year's campsite is the famous "Rookie Forest". The camp is targeted to those enthusiastic people who are up for a thrill. Are you one of them?

Go ahead and click on the link below to register right now

Hurry special offer for limited students!

P.S.: The rest of the details shall be mailed to you once you have successfully registered. After all, what's the fun in knowing everything beforehand?

WARNING: once registered, you cannot revert.

Bonus: As you are one of the pre-selected students, we will send a bus or jeep to pick you up.


The Camp


As I mark the mail spam, I wonder "How should I spend the upcoming summer vacations? A camp does sound nice but, who goes to one these days? I can always sunbathe on the beach we own and I'd rather stay in my air-conditioned room than go out in scorching heat!  

My name is Raven, a popular sophisticated high school girl. Not really. Well, I'm not so normal either in fact, my parents are always on the go; moving from country to country for business trips. Sometimes I wish they had enough time to spend with me so that I don't have to feel so lonely all the time but, money conquers all! Nothing compares to the riches my parents have bestowed upon me.

Raven's iPhone(latest)kept on chiming as she received numerous texts in her class group chat. Irritated with the continuous pinging, she decides to put away her Mac and reach out for her dear trashy ( as she likes to call it) iPhone to see what the fuss was about.

134 group messages:

"Ashley: As always the same plan but, I'll be taking my love Mark with me "

"Lucas: Ah... are you planning to run away Ashy??"

"Ashley:   on my parent's new private island, asshole"

"Lucas: don't come back maybe, you should take more care of your kingdom :p"

"Ashley: If you are calling me a queen, then well I'm one ;)"

"Mark: Queen or not, you are my princess ;)"

"Lucas: here comes the jock or jackass!"

"Ashley: he is your team's captain Luc"

"Lucas: take his ass with you"

"Ashley: I'm"

-Lucas left the group

Private message

"Lucas: Hey! Raven"

"Raven: yeah?"

"Lucas: remind me again, why is Ashley dating that jackass?"

"Raven: Because you didn't have the guts to tell her that you like her :)"

"Lucas: forget it, have fun"

"Raven: fun?"

"Lucas: You must be going to an island as well like Ash"

"Raven: um, no I got bored with them when I was a kid :)"

"Lucas: biatchhh!!!"

"Raven: yours ;) "

"Lucas: what would I do without a best friend like you?"

"Raven: You'd prolly just be dead a long time ago bwahahaha"

"Lucas: Well, it seems like another summer without any sunshine. Take care! You owe me a treat after the break, do not forget!"

"Raven: Try not to die, or no treat :P "

"Lucas: *rolls eyes* yeah yeah, bye now!"

And the sarcastic replies goes on in the group chat, to think it had exceeded over 100 messages in a very short period. Well, that's Ashley and Lucas for you. The highlights of the class and well, Lucas has been by my side for the longest time that I can recall.

(A little secret between you and me, Lucas is in love with Ash ever since they were practically in diapers but his coward ass never dared to ask her out)

Raven is always the least bothered about what goes on around in her class other than when it comes to her buddies, whilst still ignoring all the nonsense her classmates have been spatting, she takes another look at the email she had just received. 

"Camp for youth? " She chuckled. 

Then on second thought, keeping in mind that she might be left doing nothing at all during the summer, she decides to go for it 'cause why not?

--dials on the phone--

"Hey Roxie, did you get the e-mail I forwarded?" Raven asked excitedly.


"So? What do you say? Would you like to tag along with me? Pretty Please, you know I don't like to be alone!"

"I'm sorry Raven but I really won't be able to make it. I've got a lot of work piled up. Honey, I'll make it up to you as soon as I can." She sounded as low as one could.

"Okay, I'll just go alone then...." Raven replied sarcastically. 

Raven's voice breaks and soon she is left feeling disappointed and upset.

--ends call--

She hung up the call abruptly while cursing her sister for being the same as their parents and never spending time with her.

Roxie is such a... why do I always have to be the one alone? Maybe I should invite Lucas to tag along? Or no, maybe Valeri

But here's the thing about Raven, once she has decided onto something, she will get it done no matter what. As spontaneous as she can get, after getting denied by her only sister she quickly decides to invite one of her classmates, 'Valeri' to go with her. No matter what, she was determined to go onto this adventure that the mail has promised her.

-- dials Valeri --

Raven:  "Get your ass packed up, we are leaving in the morning! No questions asked, just pack, chop chop!!"
Valeri:" Ah, alright......."

 --ends call--

Valeri can't complain but agree because as mean as Raven can sound, she does have a soft spot for other people and saved Valeri from getting bullied multiple times because of her different ethnicity.

In the end, Raven was going either way, with or without her sister.

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