How it all began

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Its been a few months since we all went to fight the volturi to save Nessie, Jacobs imprint. Nessie is a half vampire half human hybrid, she is Bella Swan's and Edward Cullen's daughter I guess now Bella Cullen since she's married to Edward. The volturi are a very powerful clan, Jacob says they are like the 'royal' vampire family, they make sure all vampires stay in line and don't do anything to expose themselves to the humans. Since they have a lot of talented vampire's this is a very easy task for them, but they powers are useless against Bella, and since she can shield everyone instead of just herself with her freaky vampire power, the volturi's powers were useless.

I don't particularly like vampires, but I don't hate them as much as I used to, well except Nessie I've always liked her even though I don't show it. I don't talk to her much since she's always with the blood suckers and I stay away from them as much as possible. I only see her once in a while though when Jacob decides he wants to stay at the Cullen's for a whole week and as his Beta {he's second in command} I have to check in with him regularly. We spend a lot of time in Forks because Jacobs pack protects Forks and Sam's pack protects La push. Its amazing that I don't have to be in Sam's head all the time. I don't have to hear his voice or see how happy he is with Emily or the future he dreams about with Emily.

Emily is my cousin me and her uses to be very close growing up she lived in the Makah reservation and would often visit me in La push. After Sam left school for two weeks without any explanation she came over to visit me. After Sam returned, me and Sam went back to being the happy couple we were, but a while after he imprinted on Emily, he broke up with me and stared pursuing my cousin. Emily told me about Sam and I expected her to reject Sam but they started dating, I was so heart broken. I became bitter and angry. I had a lot of mood swings.

One day my mom and dad sat me down to talk about all these mood swings I'm having. I became so angry at them for telling me I'm out of control and that I should just get over Sam. I started shaking uncontrollably and I phased, I broke on of the sofa's. My father had a major heart attack right in front of me and I couldn't do anything about it. My brother phased too after seeing my dad get a heart attack. My mother just stood there shocked while I panicked. Then I heard his voice, Sam's voice in my head 'Leah?' I know Sam's voice very well, it was him. 'What's going on? I'm a monster and my dad is going to die because of me.' I thought. 'Why do we look like some type of animals what's going on?' I heard my brothers panicking voice. He ran out the door and I followed leaving my mother to deal with my father. 'Calm down! Stay where you are I'm coming.' I heard Sam's voice again. I wanted to tell him to f*ck off and that I didn't want him near me. But for some reason I couldn't. A few minutes later a black big wolf came from the woods. 'Don't be afraid it's just me' Sam's voice said to me. 'What the h*ll is going on?' I thought. Sam explained everything and helped us phase back, by the time we had phased back most of the elders were at my house and I found out my dad had died from a heart attack. I attended a bond fire soon after my father's death and they told me and Seth everything and that I was the only girl wolf to ever exist. They don't know why and how it happened. I learned about imprinting and I soon understood what had happened with Sam and Emily, I forgave Emily but it was still painful to be around them. Every time me and Sam were wolfs together I thought of how hurt I was when he dumped me. I could feel how much it hurt him to know I was hurting, but not nearly as much as it hurt me when he left me.

But after leaving his pack everything became better for me since I didn't have to hear Sam's voice every time and hear how happy he is with Emily. But it still hurts to think about him, I try my best not to but sometimes I can't control it. I wish i could just imprint on someone, anyone or someone could imprint on me so I can stop hurting. Tomorrow Sam and Emily are getting married and I'm a brides maids i don't know why I agreed to be her brides maid.

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