The big "I do's"

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When we get to the church all the boys are outside except Sam of cause. Jacob is holding Renesmee and Quil is holding Clair. Paul is fixing is tie, Jared is looking at himself on the cars small mirror. Seth is just talking to Jacob and Renesmee. Paul and Jared's heads turn right when the car parks 50 feet from them. Its like they sense their imprints have arrived. They both break out into huge smiles. I get out of the car immediately and i walk towards Jake, Nessie and Seth. They are talking about stars. "No, no, some stars are planets!" Nessie says. Its so funny how much smarter she is then all of us. She about 1 year and 6 months but she looks like a small 4 year old. "Hi Leah." She says in her sweet bell voice. I smile at her "Hi Nessie." I say. She reaches out for me and i take her from Jakes hands and I huge her. I've grown really fond of Nessie these past few months and she has grown really fond of me. She pressed her hand to my face and i see my face and it looks like she saying i look really beautiful. I smile at her. "Thank you, you look even more beautiful, butterfly." I say and she giggles. She loves being called butterfly. I hand her back to Jake and they keep arguing about stars. Jake then give Nessie to Seth.

"Hey." Jake says softly with his hard voice. "Hey." I say back. I can sense he wants to talk to me about Sam but doesn't know which questions to ask first. "Just go ahead and ask, Jake" he takes in a deep breath. "Okay, are you going to be able to handle this? Are you going to be able to stand beside Emily and Sam and watch them say their 'I do's'? Are you going to be able to stay calm while everything happens? Are you going to be able to stop yourself from phasing?" I roll my eyes at him. "I though you knew me better than that. Of cause i will be able to handle everything Jake. I've watch them kiss, I've watched them tell each other they love each other. I watched Sam fall out of love with me and fall in love with Emily. So yes Jake, I'll be able to handle this. And if i can't you'll tell me to go, and I'll obey." I say to him and before he can say something. The church bell starts to ring indicating, the wedding is about to start. I take in a deep breath.

I'm walking in with Jake, Rachel is walking in with Paul, Kim is walking in with Jared and Mia is walking in with Seth. Seth and Mia.

Jake and I, are walking in first because we're the ones that are going to at and closest to the bride and groom. As Jake and I walk down the beautiful white isle I try my best to not look at Sam. I try as best as I can not to cry. I try my best to not get angry but I can't, all of this makes me so sick. Sam choose my cousin over me! He imprinted on Emily! And now I'm supposed to be all happy for them? When will I ever be happy? I hear Edward say Jake's name, he says it to low for the human eyes around him to hear anything. Jake turns his head to Edward. And i take a deep breath to calm myself. 'I'm fine!' I think as loud and as hard as I can. Jake looks at me, probably because Edward mouthed everything to him. "I'm fine." I whisper barely moving my lips. We get to the and of the isle and we separate.

After all the bridesmaids and groomsmen have walked down the isle Renesmee and Clair walk down the isle throwing beautiful pink rose peddles in the floor. They both look so cute in their white dresses. When they get to the end of the isle they both run to their parents.

The wedding officiant starts talking and since I'm not listening I can't even hear one word he says until he gets to the wedding vowels. "Emily say your vowels" "I Emily Clearwater, take you Sam Uley, to have and to hold, for better for worse, or for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love, to cherish for as long as we both shall live." Emily says looking deep into Sam's eyes. "And I Sam Uley, take you Emily Clearwater, to have and to hold, for better or for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love, to cherish, for as long as we both shall live." Sam says and tears fill my eyes. My Sam is gone, only Emily's Sam is left. I feel the tears drop and I hold back a sob. "You may now kiss your bride." The wedding officiant says. And they kiss. They kiss like no one is watching. They kiss like there is no one is watching and I burst into tears. That was supposed to be me. I wiped away my tears and I force a smile. Everyone one starts clapping their hands and whistling. Renesmee runs to me and hugs my legs. I pick her up and I hug her close to me. She puts her and on my cheek but she can't find an image that matches her thoughts. "Don't be sad. You'll find your prince charming too." She says and I just nodd. "One day." I say and huge her to me.

Leah's happily ever after (a twilight story)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя