A breath of fresh air

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I'm seated with the bridal party which is so annoying. Everyone is all coupled up and talking about love and the future and stuff. "So what are you going to do this summer Leah?" Sam asks me. "Anything that makes sure I'm far away from you." I say before standing up and walking over to the table all the Cullen's, Charlie and my mom are sitting at.

There is a chair open right next to my mom. I quickly take it. All the Cullen's and my mom look very shocked. I roll my eyes. 'I rather sit with you guys then listen to all the couples.' I say knowing Edward is listening to my thoughts. He smiles a little and I roll my eyes again. Jake walks up with a chair in his hand and automatically I shift to give him space. "Also sick if the couples talk?" I ask Jake and he nodd's he's head annoyed. I notice Renesmee is not with him so I look around for her and she's playing with Claire. She looks so happy. I wonder if she has any human friends. I really, don't think so. "Only because she doesn't go out a lot." Edward says replying to my thoughts. "Who doesn't go out?" Charlie asks. Did Edward really forget Charlie doesn't know he can read minds? He rolls his eyes. "I just asked if Nessie has any friends." I say to Charlie. "I didn't hear you ask a question." He says all confused. 'What do I say to him? Oh your son in law read my mind?' "Maybe its because of all the loud music" mom says. "Speaking of music Jazz do you want to go dance?" Alice asks Jasper. Jasper nodds and a big smile plays on his lips. They are about to put on a show. "Bella?" Edward asks Bella and she nodds and a nervous smile plays at her lips. Emmett smirks and he and Rose stand up as well. Oh my gosh. "They are about to put on a show, aren't they?" I ask Jake. He looks amused. I turn my chair around to The dance floor, so does Charlie and Sue. Carlisle and Esme couldn't come because they are on some island Carlisle bought Esme.

I'm not really surprised Alice and Jasper are killing it on the dance floor or how Emmet and Rosalie are also killing it. But I'm very surprised Bella and Edward are better then Alice, Jasper, Emmett and Rosalie. Bella couldn't even walk on a flat surface without tripping over when she was still human. I guess it comes with being a Vampire. They dance is absolutely amazing and they are dancing some moves I didn't even know existed. When they are finally over the breath heavy as if they are tired, just so they can keep the human pretence alive. They all walk back to our table and they start arguing who won the challenge. Renesmee runs to our table she stops by Bella "Mommy that was amazing." She says to fluent for a kid that looks 4. Bella and Edward laugh. "Who do you think danced better? Me and your dad or Alice and uncle Jazz or Rose and Em?" Bella asks. "That is so unfair, your her mom obviously she's going to say you." Bella and Edward laugh again. "Nessie doesn't play favorites." Bella says and Alice scrowls. "Okay okay, let's ask someone who doesn't have any favourites." Bella says, they all look at me and I laugh. "Firstly I do have a favourite between you lots." I say. Their eyes light up and I laugh. "It's Nessie." Nessie smiles and runs to my side. I pick her up ad put her on my lap. They all roll their eyes. "Just tell us who do you think won?" Alice asks. "Bella and Edward." I say and Bella an Edward exchange high fives. "No no no! You only said that because she's Nessie's mom." I laugh and shake my head. They turn to my mom she raises her ands and shakes her head. "I'm not involving myself in this." We all laugh and Jazz and Emmett hand Edward each a hundred dollors.

The relationship I have with the Cullen's now is not as it used to be. Its more solid and pure. They are actually good people, well vampires. They didn't choose to be vampires but they choose not to hurt humans. They choose to be good vampires, they choose to go against their nature and be good. Being around them now is easy and it's like taking a breath of fresh air after being locked in a stinky bathroom for an hour. I don't hate them anymore but it doesn't mean I love them, I just like hanging out with them. And when ever I'm around them I'm not as miserable about Sam and Emily anymore. Edward turn to me and smiles. I shake my head and roll eyes. Bella looks at Edward and Edward whispers to softly for Charlie and Sue to hear. "Leah enjoys being around us." The Cullen's all look at me and I roll my eyes.

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