1 | Bruises & Cuddles

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After a rough, brutal case, Spencer's girlfriend just wants to comfort him.

The apartment feels so cold and lonely when Spencer is gone on cases. We hadn't kept too much contact this time around; he told me this was going to be a really tough case for the whole team.

A religious cult had been found in Colorado with a man by the name of Benjamin Cyrus being their leader. Spencer and Prentiss had gone undercover, posing as being interested in joining the cult. That was the last I heard from him until this morning.

I was worried out of my mind. I had gone through all the possible outcomes and scenarios that could have played out; none of them too good.

Prentiss and Reid could have been found out, they could have been killed, they could have been beaten, or they could have been forced to actually convert to that belief. Some better, more optimistic thoughts ran through my head as well. They could have gotten all the children out, they could have been completely fine, they could have taken it down without harming anyone.

I won't really know how things played out until Spencer finally came home. Which, by looking up from the book in my hands, will be in about five minutes. I grinned, and threw the blanket off of me and stood up from the couch. Quickly, I folded my blanket and hung it up on the back of the couch.

I tidied up the bookshelf, and placed the book I was reading down on the side table for easy access later. I waited just a little longer before I heard the familiar sounds of Spencer's keys rattling in the doorknob.

As soon as I saw the door open, I was on him. I hadn't even given him time to set his stuff down before I was wrapping him up in my arms. I pressed my face into his neck and inhaled deeply.

Spencer chuckled, "I take it you missed me?"

I sighed, pressing a small kiss to his neck, "More than you can imagine." Pulling away from his neck, I grinned as I began to take in his beautiful face. Slowly, my smile started to fade.

Spencer had a pretty bruised up eye, and smaller bruises littering the reset of his face. I quickly took a step back and tried to examine the rest of him. "What the hell happened out there, Spence?"

He sighed and walked further into the apartment to place his go bag on the floor next to the couch. I shut the door and locked it as Spencer took off his coat, leaving him in his white button up and black slacks.

"It's nothing bad, I promise. Paramedics already checked me when I got out of that house, and they said there's nothing wrong with me internally. I just have some light bruising is all."

Spencer shyly smiled as he came closer and wrapped his arms around my waist. He leaned down and gave me a soft kiss. I hummed as he pulled away, my lips feelings cold from his departure.

"Do you want to talk about what happened? Please at least tell me how you got these bruises." I begged, pulling him to the couch to sit down with me. Spencer was slow to sit. His movements were slow and calculated, like he didn't want to get hurt if he moved the wrong way.

I sighed, and grabbed his hand in mine, rubbing my thumb over the back of his skin.

Spencer lifted our hands to press a kiss to the back of mine before he started talking. "As I told you, Emily and I went undercover to see what we could do from the inside. We were fine going in, but they didn't think I was legit, so they-they started beating me and kicking me onto the ground."

A gasp escaped from me. Spencer sighed sadly, pulling me ever so closer to him. My eyes started to water as I placed a hand on his cheek. Spencer leaned into my touch, and closed his eyes.

"It worked. Everything I did in there, everything that happened to me was worth it. We got the children out, all except for one. Cyrus was blown up in the explosion, but there will still people staying behind to search through the rubble to find the body." Spencer explained.

I nodded, and starting running my finger through his hair. Spencer hummed and closed his eyes, leaning further into my touch. I giggled, "Why don't we get you cleaned up and in some comfier clothes, then we can just lay down and cuddle. How's that sound?"

Spencer nodded, instantly getting up and walking off to our shared bedroom. I followed after him as he walked into the attached bathroom to get in the shower. While he did that, I changed into one of his hoodies as he liked seeing me in them. I put on some fuzzy socks, and fixed the bed so it would be ready for us.

When Spence finally came out, his hair was already almost dry, and he was in a white t-shirt with grey sweatpants on.

I lightly smiled and pulled the covers back for him to get into the bed. He laid down right on top of me, and just sunk down. Sighing, he let go of all the stress and just let himself lay on top of me. I smiled, picking my fingers up to run through his hair. He hummed and nuzzled his cheek into my chest.

"Thank you for this, Y/n. I think it's exactly what I needed after the rough week I've had."

I lightly kissed the top of his head, "I'd do anything for you, Spence. Cuddles just felt like they were necessary right now."

His head popped up to look at me. Spencer stared into my eyes, and a light smile grew on his face. "I love you. So much, Y/n, I don't even know how to really express it to you."

I giggled and kissed his cheek. I moved from his cheek to a small bruise that rested there. "I love you more, Spence. My poor boy got all hurt trying to save lives. You're a hero, Spence, and I'm so proud of you."

I slowly moved my lips from one bruise to the next, kissing each one tenderly as to not cause him more pain.

As I got to his black eye, I made sure to be extra careful so it didn't hurt. Once I was all done with his bruises, I smiled at him before pulling his lips down to mine. The soft, slow kiss poured all of my love out for him. Spencer pressed into the kiss harder, but I pulled away once I felt something wet and salty hit my lips.

I saw Spencer with a few stray tears running down his face and I pouted. "Spence, what's the matter? Did I hurt you?"

He quickly shook his head and sniffled. "No, you didn't hurt me. Quite the opposite actually. You're so kind and gentle to me. I've never felt a love like yours, and it's so overwhelming. I love you. I love how sweet you are and how caring you get. I'm so incredibly lucky to be with someone like you, Y/n."

I grinned, and placed another small kiss to his lips. "Actually, Dr. Reid, it's me who is the lucky one. After all, I'm the one who gets to spend all her love of care on you, and I wouldn't trade it for the world."

Hi guys! As you can see this doesn't follow exactly how the episode happened, I hope that's okay with you all. I just wanted to use this premise of Reid and Prentiss going undercover so I used this episode! So instead of Emily getting beat, I had it be Reid, and their reasoning kinda for coming in was changed.

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