3 | Glasses

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Spencer taking y/n to an eye doctor appointment

Working for the FBI's Behavioral Analysis Unit had been a dream of mine ever since I got into criminology and psychology. Working alongside my boyfriend is ever better.

Reid grumbles a bit as I place some more of my paperwork onto his desk. I giggled and lightly kicked his foot from under the desk. Our desks were right across from one another, so we always were able to help each other when needed.

"I'll do this last one for you, then I'm done, okay?" He bargained with a small smile.

"But I'm not close to finishing yet! You'll be waiting for me to go home anyway," I pleaded, trying to muster up the best puppy eyes I could as I held out a few more documents. "I promise, just these few more and I can do the rest."

Reid sighed and snatched the documents from my hands, "You're lucky you drove us here, and I don't want to be out too late."

I chuckled and pulled myself forward and leaned over to press a kiss to the tip of his glasses-covered nose. "Thank you, handsome."

Spencer blushed and went back to do his work. I did the same, trying my best to work through these documents quick enough so we can go back to the apartment and watch our show.

Paperwork was always the hardest thing for me to do. I was very slow at doing it, and the whole team could tell. The words printed on the page were always too small to read. I mean, really, it wouldn't hurt to make the font larger.

Normally I would do it away from everyone because I don't like them seeing me struggle to read through the papers, but it's just Spence and I left here tonight. I slightly brought the papers closer to my face and squinted, trying to see exactly what it was I was reading.

Spencer sighed, "Y/n, when are you going to start wearing your glasses? Or at least get contacts if you don't like how you look with them on."

I looked up from my paper to see Spencer staring at me like a lecturing dad. I rolled my eyes lightly, "Contacts hurt my eyes; I don't like how they feel."

"Glasses, Y/n. If you're worried about how you look, I can one hundred percent assure you, you'll still look beautiful with glasses on. A study from a few years ago actually confirmed people find those with rimless glasses to still be attractive as they would be without glasses. The study said that thick-rimmed glasses actually lowered people's attractiveness, so if you were to wear glasses again, you could always jus-"

"Spence, stop." I giggled. "I really appreciate your rambling and information, but I just really don't like wearing glasses. Plus, I haven't had my eyes check in years, so I don't even know if the glasses I have would even be the right prescription."

"We can go get your eyes checked!" He lit up, "We could make a day out of it! We could go to the optometrist, pick out some cute rimless glasses, go to the library and get some books with small print, read those small-print books, go-"

"Spencer! While your make-believe day sounds very fun, I just don't like the idea of glasses. I don't- I don't feel comfortable wearing them." I blushed, kind of embarrassed by all the fuss I was making.

"I don't get why you're so opposed to wearing them. You'd only really use them to benefit yourself while doing paperwork and reading. None of the team will even have to see you wear them if that's what this is about." Spencer grabbed my hand and rubbed his thumb over the back of it.

I looked up at him. He gently smiled at me, trying to convince me with his beautiful smile. I groaned, and threw my head back playfully. "Spencer Reid, you're tough to say no to." I grinned.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2020 ⏰

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