11:11|| Bang Chan

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Every night, I wish. I wish for this boy, he's Christopher Bang from Stray Kids. He's my bias and some people would say I'm "obsessed" with him, but I think other wise.
It was 11:11 AM. I make the wish like always. I usually say my wish out loud, just to make sure it comes true.
I've been trying for awhile, but it's going to have to come true one day, right?
"You still wish about that boy?" My brother said. I glare at him, "Yea because it's going to come true!" I run after him trying to hit him.
"Y/n~ah! Stop!" My mom said as my brother runs behind her hiding. "He's making fun of me!" I say crossing my arms.
"Kai! Be nice!" He rolls his eyes and walks away. I sit at the table. "So let me guess you've still been wishing about that stupid boy?"
I roll my eyes, "Mom he's not stupid. He's my idol, my true love!" She turns around to me and smiles, "I'm sure, but he's just older and busy and he don't even know you y/n."
I roll my eyes and walk back to my room. I'm really hoping this comes true, I want to prove them wrong.
11:11 PM rolls around, and of course I make my wish. Wishing for him is like praying for me. This is what I do every time it's 11:11. Then I fall asleep.
I wake up with a figure in my bed. I roll over to see him, Christopher Bang.
I kinda scream. He wakes up and looks at me. "WHERE AM I?"
"I DONT KNOW!" We are both freaking out, I'm fangirling and he's scared because he woke up with some stranger. Of course we live in totally different country's, I live in America, and he's from Korea.
"Where even am I?" He asked looking around. "Um well Texas.." I scratch the back of my nape. He lives an ocean away.
"Texas! Like the US?!?" I look at him and nod.

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