Chapitre Huit

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AS FAR as Pansy could remember their whole stay at Hogwarts seemed to pass like a blur as she was sitting in their table in the middle of Samhain-or Halloween atleast that's what the muggle-borns are calling it.

There was a sinking feeling in her stomach-she felt something bad was going to happen and the weird looks she's getting from the bloody baron did not help one bit. Come to think of it-it wasnt only the bloody baron she had been getting weirds look from. Seems like all the ghost was looking at her that way. Even their resident poltergeist was acting weird around her.

"You look constipated, are you fine?" Sally asked which got her a questioning looks from her pureblood friends but Pansy ignored their looks

"I'm fine, just tired. I'm going to bed early" she said standing up

"But the feast of Samhain had barely begun" Theo said "and besides we'll be having the Revel later on" He added

Sally had piped in asking, "what's a Revel?"

"It's for Samhain. The Slytherins - well, all the Traditional students, really, but that's mostly just Slytherins - do this ritual out in the Senior Woods. The Dance of the Dead. Basically we pierce the Veil and allow the spirits of the Dead to return to this plane for the night, and they go around possessing people and you get to remember some of their lives. Also, there's a bonfire. Sounds like fun, right?" Blaise explained

"And when is this happening?" Sally asked in an excite tone

"Later at before midnight, where the moon is at its highest peak" Theo answered and Daphne had turned to Pansy

"I just really dont feel well" Pansy said "well, I'll escort you back" Draco suggested whilst Pansy had hold him off

"No need, I'd also like an alone time for me to think" Pansy immediately said

"Abouuuuuuut?" Sally drawled

"Wait-are you and Potter.....a thing? I've seen you hang out with him for a few times!" Daphne exclaimed

"WHAT?!" Most of them exclaimed

"What the fuck Daphne! Of course not!" Pansy scowled and walked away but little does she knows- ghostly eyes were following her as she went out.


MINUTES had passed the Holloween feast had begun-and it was noticeable how most of the ghosts werent there, no scratch that all of the Hogwarts ghost werent there even Peeves wasnt causing havoc.

Albus Dumbledore had sensed something wasnt right and looked at Minerva and Snape who had also felt it-immediately Snape looked at Quirrell's place to find him not there and mentally curse. Snape was about to stand up and look for him when in cue Quirrell had barged in looking panicked and screaming.

"TROLLS! TROLLS IN THE DUNGEON!" He screamed as he stopped in the middle of the great hall, everyone was silence-"thought you ought to know" and with that Quirrell had sunk dead faint on the floor

The whole great hall was in an uproar and it took several attempta for Dumbledore to calm them down. "PREFECTS! Lead your houses back to the dormitories immediately!"

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