Chapitre Douze

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ANASTASIA woke up to see she was in a very familiar room-it was her room

She knew every corner of her room, how her Harry Potter posters hang in her ceiling and a hint of lavender scent from the lavender flowers she kept near her widow.

"Anaaaa!" Her younger sibling Kelsey had barged into her room once more

Anastasia glared at the young blonde, "Kelsey! How many times do I have to tell you not to freaking barged in anytime you want!" She scolded

Kelsey had just rolled her eyes at her, I swear I will effin blind her if she does that to her older sister one more time Anastasia thought

"Now why the fuck did you barged in so early in the morning?!" She rose an eyebrow

"Gah! Profanity! Wait till Claude hears you and you'll be tasting soap" Kelsey said sitting next to her "and poor Ana did you forget that its already afternoon and daddy's going to take us to the theatre to watch the ending of Harry Potter?! Have you?!" Kelsey added

"Afternoon? I thought it was morning" Anastasia groaned

"Well you ought to be ready! Will be leaving in a jiffy" Kelsey exclaimed standing up amd walking out of her room

Anastasia sighed and went to her bathroom-strange she thought looking at her bathroom mirror, Anastasia shrugged and proceed to get ready for the movies.


"We'll pick you three up after an hour or two" Anastasia's dad told the three hopping inside his car

"Now Claude, you ought to be responsible" their mother told them

"Yeah, I got the two brats under control dont worry" Claude said ruffling Kelsey's hair and attempted to ruffle Anastasia's but she immediately dodge.

There's no way she would let her older brother mess with her hair when she spent hours fixing her blonde mane

"Not the hair Claude" Anastasia groaned while Claude just smirk at her

"Byee mum, dad" they bid

Anastasia looked at the queue for the tickets and it was loooong

"Figures the queue's long, Kelsey why dont you try and wait at that lane while I wait at the other and Anastasia, you're incharge of the food! Food inside is much more expensive than the ones outside" Claude said

"Ayeeeee" Kelsey faked a military salute and started marching towards the lane Claude pointed

"I dont have enough money Claudeee, gimmeeee moneeey" Anastasia whined

Claude had scowled but reached for his pockets anyways, "you'll do my chores for a week aye" He said shoving over 30 pounds and ran towards the lane

"WHAT THE~ CLAUDE! Fuck you!" Anastasia exclaimed but Claude was already deep in the crowds to hear what she said

Typical Claude~ always shoving his chores to her, Anastasia looked at the large amount of money Claude gave her just for a large bucket of popcorn but she guessed it was Claude's way of saying to buy lots of food.

Lets see, I have over £15 and combined with the 30 we'll have £45 Anastasia did basic math while digging for her jumper's pocket for the money when a few change had fell and started rolling

Anastasia groaned and tried to follow and pick the coin up and when she was at the edge of the pavement she felt a pushed from behind which made her plopped onto the streets

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28, 2021 ⏰

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