Who's the First Teacher?

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Summary: Professor Hershel Layton and his brother have been invited to give a talk at a local school, but there are certain matters Des needs to be informed of before they can proceed.

"You wanted to speak with me, Hershel?" Des finished tying off his braid as he entered the kitchen.

"Ah, yes." Hershel set his teacup down and picked up the small manila file that had been laid beside his saucer. "There are certain things you need to understand before we head off to this school."

"What things?" Des sat across from him at the kitchen island. "What are you talking about?"

Hershel flipped the folder open.

"As you should know by now," he said, "the school's classrooms are numbered. I'm sure you can understand the system. The students may start the day in room 1, but will move to room 5 for a different subject and maybe to room 3 after that-"

"Yes, yes, I get it," said Des. "Will you get to the point already?"

After a brief glance of annoyance, Hershel looked back down at the folder.

"What you need to understand before we go," he said, "is that the teachers at the school we'll be giving a talk at tend to give each other strange nicknames to liven up an otherwise dreary campus. Pet names, if you like."

Des cradled his chin in thought.

"I see," he responded. "So if I'm to win these teacher's trust-"

"-you need to know the nicknames, yes," said Hershel.

"Well then," said Des, "you had better tell me what they are."

Hershel shuffled on his chair and crossed his legs.

"Of course," he said with a smile. "I'll go by room order as we enter the main building. Who's in first, What's in second, I Don't Know is in third-"

"What?" Des frowned. "But that's what I asked you to tell me!"

Hershel took a moment to raise an eyebrow at him in confusion.

"...as I was saying," he said, returning to his folder, "Who's in first, What's in second and I Don't Know's in third."

Des blinked.

"You're the one who organised this little lecture, aren't you?" he asked.

"Yes," Hershel replied with a puzzled frown.

"And you're the liaison between this school and Gressenheller University?"

"Yes, that's correct."

Des impatiently tapped his finger on the kitchen counter.

"So why don't you know these nicknames you were telling me about?" he demanded.

Hershel just kept frowning.

"I thought I made it perfectly clear that I do," he said.

"Well then," said Des, "who's in the first classroom?"


Des felt heat rising to his cheeks.

"I mean the man's name!" he tried not to shout.

"Who," was Hershel's simple reply.

"The man in the first classroom!"


"The first teacher!"


"The first bloody teacher-" Des slammed his fist on the counter. "-in the first bloody classroom!"

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