Earth Kills

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Cries of agony echoed around the camp, spreading from inside the dropship where Jasper had been continuously screaming for hours, leaving many within the camp restless and cranky. Clarke had been monitoring Jasper as her mother was apparently a doctor so she had known much information to help out.

"Go back to sleep!"

Delinquents of the camp were all clearly agitated by Jasper now, nevertheless, the only thing they could do was disregard it since it seemed like it wasn't going to halt any time soon.

"Can he just die already?"

I noticed Clarke leaving the dropship, diverting from her original course to see a little girl who seemed troubled. Personally, I couldn't bring myself to go over to any other campers yet as I hadn't had much human contact in years so I don't know how to communicate properly and become anxious whenever I go near someone, questioning every little thing.

To be honest, I was surprised I had succeeded in communicating with Bellamy the most since he was the biggest jackass within the camp. I probably came off to Clarke as a sheep that followed her around because I was scared or wanted something from her but in all honesty, I was just curious about her as she seemed to know a lot and knew how to communicate effectively.

I definitely could learn something from Clarke. In the meantime, I was currently learning something from Bellamy, who had left me in charge at night and returned early in the morning, exchanging roles with me and allowing me to nap for a few hours in his newly made tent, though, my nap only lasted 4 hours due to Jaspers shrieking and not entirely trusting Bellamy.

Currently, I was sat outside Bellamy's tent using some spare equipment he had given me to make my own tent. He had offered to help, however, I refused so he had been going around camp elsewhere, most likely bullying someone.

Looking away from Clarke, my gaze fell upon Bellamy's, who shot me a smirk before turning around and throwing an axe into a tree as it buried in. Getting up, I walked over as Bellamy headed to the tree to retrieve his axe.

"Now? Nothing. It's possible they're just lost. Well, keep an eye out for them when we go hunting later." Bellamy seemed annoyed.

Murphy "Let's go kill something." Murphy went to follow Bellamy, however, Bellamy held out his arm to restrain Murphy from moving past him.

"You're not going." Bellamy's reply was shocking considering Murphy was his lackey.

"I don't know where you are going but I'm going too." I intercepted, causing Bellamy to scoff.

"I need you to stay here. If the Grounders are circling, we can't leave this place unprotected." He explained to Murphy.

"Fine." Murphy sighed, looking away at the dropship. "Somebody better tell goggle boy to keep it shut."

"And you," Bellamy stared into my eyes seeming completely confident, however, I felt uncomfortable so I avoided eye contact, opting to stare at his mouth instead as he talked. "You should stay here. What happened to making a tent?"

"I can do it later-"

"Yesterday's events must have shocked you a lot. I don't think you are ready." Bellamy stated. "Plus you are responsible. Didn't you like being leader last night too? You can do it again today."

"I don't want to." I protested, glaring at him.

"I'm gonna leave this lovers quarrel," Murphy muttered, strolling away as he rolled his eyes.

"Yesterday, I had a moment of weakness. I didn't know what was out there, now I know how dangerous it is. Give me a weapon and I will defend myself." I ordered, leaving Bellamy speechless.

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