Chapter 19

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......a few months later, near Christmas......

Life was pretty much the same. All of us were still together. A few of us had birthdays; I turned 17, Sodapop turned 18, Evie turned 18, Candy turned 17.

Two-Bit had brought up the possibility of being drafted to Vietnam up a few times, each time making me more and more nervous. I tried to hide it so I wouldn't get him too worried, anymore than he already was at least. He told me he hadn't even told his mom how worried he was, which kinda made me feel bad considering it's his mother. He said he would've told her and Keilah he was but he didn't want them to get worried.

Evie and Candy started to get a tiny bit worried. More and more boys who were eighteen were getting those horrible letters; and more and more girls or families were getting telegrams from the US military. And the fact that Steve and Sodapop were eighteen as well didn't help at all.

We all wanted to be together for Christmas and quietly hoped no letters for the boys came in. It was already gonna be different this year. Mr and Mrs Curtis wouldn't be there to make a special Christmas breakfast for everyone like the past seven years, considering none of us had the best homes they always had us all over their place.

Johnny wouldn't be around talking his tongue off about how he loved 'Miracle on 34th Street' since it was in a big city.

Dallas wouldn't be there saying that most places in New York City weren't really like that, but Johnny would say he didn't care, he wanted to think it was like that since he always said he knew he would never go there in person anyway.

Marilyn, Evie, Candy, Suzie and I had all gone out to try to find Christmas gifts for our boyfriends. I didn't know what the four of then were planning to get, but I knew what I would be getting for Two-Bit, shockingly I did.

When Dallas died, the fuzz had found Two-Bit's prize blade and kept it. They said they needed it for evidence or something, I don't know. Point is, he never got it back. He'd never got a new blade to show off like he did with the old one, so I planned to get him a new one. I wouldn't get one that looked exactly like the old one, I doubt they even have one the same exact anymore.

I wouldn't swipe it like he did his original blade, though.

The four of them all looked confused and a bit overwhelmed what to get the rest for Christmas, especially since we has gone into nearly every store in town. "Why aren't you really looking?" Evie asked confused.

"Two reasons... One: I don't think Christmas is just about gifts, but being with people who you care about. And two: I already know what I'm getting him," I shrugged nonchalantly.

"Which is?" Candy asked curiously.

"A new show-off blade. He never got his old one back and he never got a new one."

We all went back to the house and got there about 4:30 in the evening, it was already getting dark from stupid winter. It was kinda weird when we got there and no one was there, not even Ponyboy. There was no trace of 'em, not that I could find at least. "They left a note," Suzie said holding a paper in her hand.

'If we're not back when you girls are, meet us at the hospital. Sodapop'll be in the waiting room waiting for your five. -Darry Curtis'

"Get it my car," Marilyn said and we ran to her car.

The car ride was quiet. No on said a word the entire trip. There was nothing to really talk about at the moment. Candy didn't have too much to worry about considering Sodapop would be waiting for us. Marilyn, maybe not- probably not since Darry wrote the note. Me, Suzie and Evie on the other hand- we were shaking and as scared as much as a little kid going to the doctor to get a shot. Could ya blame us? We had no confirmation that Steve, Two-Bit or Ponyboy were ok. Something was wrong with one of 'em and the worry was eating us three alive.

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