Chapter 22

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please excuse any typos! I typed this chapter on my laptop instead of on my ipod- which is where I usually type it, but I finally decided to update to iOS 8 on it and it's updating as I type so yeah- thanks! also cause I'm listening to my favorite radio (101.1 WCBSFM) and they're playing "Ive Had The Time Of My LIfe" plus I'm singing along to whatever song they play so yeah- thank you! =^-^=

"Merry Christmas everybody!" Steve called as he walked through the front door. He usually wasn't so cheery on account of his jerk of a dad, but he was always cheery on Christmas.

Evie, Candy, Marilyn and Two-Bit followed behind him. We all greeted each other then went to our boyfriend or girlfriend. Everybody put their gifts underneath the small Christmas tree in the living room. We had all gone out of the way to make it like it was a regular Christmas, or at least try not to think about the four people who wouldn't be there this year.

I had wrapped up Two-Bit's blade in a Mickey Mouse t-shirt. I know he'd like the shirt, but I wanted the blade to be a surprise.

"Rain... guess what I helped Darry do for Ponyboy," Marilyn whispered and pulled me over to the side,"I tried to keep it a secret but if I don't tell someone soon, I think I'm gonna explode."

I chuckled and nodded,"What'd you help him get for Ponyboy?"

"Ok, ok... so Suzie called me last week and said her and her family are coming back early from Tennessee! She convinced them it wouldn't be the same if they weren't home for Christmas, especially with her brother going away... long story short- I talked with her parents and they said she could come over!" she squealed.

I opened my outh to say something but Ponyboy had come into the room and the two of us acted like we were talking about something.

I sat down on the couch, Two-Bit came next to me and held something over my head. I looked up and it was mistletoe. I rolled my eyes and laughed,"You're so corny." He smiled and nodded,"I wouldn't be me if I wasn't." I laughed again and he leaned down till our lips met. "No PDA in the living room!" Candy laughed... I guess the kiss lasted longer than it felt. I knew my cheeks were a shade of bright pink, but in this case, it was totally worth it.

But the fact that it was Candy who said that, definitely proved that girl had been spending too much time with Sodapop.

The phone rang and I thought it was Suzie until Darry called me over. "Hello?" I asked taking the phone from him.

"Merry Christmas, Rain!" I heard in Cherry and Marcia's voices.

I laughed,"Merry Christmas you two!"

"We haven't seen you in forever! We should get together soonbefore break is over!" Marcia said enthusiastically.

"OK! We will soon, but for now I gotta go. I'll see you two soon! Merry Christmas!"

"Merry Christas!" they said and I hung up. I went over back by Two-Bit and sat down, trying not to block anyone's view of It's A Wonderful Life as I walked back. "Who was that?" he asked. "Cherry and Marcia,' I answered. He gave a look of slight confusion but shook it off instead of letting it dwell and I laughed.

Marilyn, Evie, Candy and Suzie never met Cherry and Marcia- not as far as I knew at least. Ever since I started hanging out with the four more, I hadn't really been with the other two. Probably since I had another Greaser in my classes. I felt bad that I hadn't been with Cherry and Marcia, considering the risk they took that day in helping play Soc, but we all still had reputations and such considering the two very different depictions of the social classes that everybody thought were forbidden to hang out with: one called Soc, one called Greaser.

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