Am I In Love?

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---Two Months Later---

I sat back against the couch, trying not to let my thoughts drift. There's an anxiety welling in my chest but everything is planned out so why am I nervous? Honestly, I doubt I'm even going to change into my Fullbring form, then they might not even have to tie me down! 

Laurence is in the kitchen cooking something small up for the both of us.

There's been a thick, almost palpable tension in the air ever since I came back. I'm sure Laurence can tell I'm acting funny. I used to be so carefree and reckless but ever since I got back I've been wary about each of my movements, I've only broken the door down once, ONCE. That's a record-breaker for me. Hiding my tail and ears has become easier, however sometimes if I don't pay attention I slip up and they become visible, thankfully none of those times have been around Laurence.

There's a shift from the kitchen, "Garroth, foods done!"

How much longer can I hide this?

More shifting, "Gar!? I said foods done!"

Could I hide it forever?


I jolt out of my thoughts, noticing Laurence's concerned and annoyed expression.

"O-oh! Sorry Laurence I was thinking pretty hard I guess" I nervously fiddle with my sleeve, something I never did before Starlight.

"Gar, what's up with you. Ever since you came back you've been acting so funny. You aren't as loud and carefree, and you didn't even sense the food is done, you ALWAYS know when food is done. And what's with that fiddling?? Seriously I'm really worried about you.."

At first, I don't know how to respond and I pause. "What's wrong is I can't tell you something important Laurence...You mean everything to me and to lose you over this would hurt more than anything" least that's what I want to say.

Instead, I cough. "I'm sorry I don't really know what you're talking about Laurence, I've been perfectly normal lately. I picked up this little fiddle habit from Zane hahaha!!"

If he noticed my smile was fake, he didn't say anything. He turns around and silently divides the food onto two plates. I don't like it when Laurence is silent.


The night drifts in slowly, like a feather falling from the sky. I barely notice the sky outside the window getting darker. Nerves bubble endlessly in the pit of my stomach.

Ever since earlier Laurence hasn't mentioned my behavior, but he has this weird look of resolve in his eyes like he's going to find a solution to my current troubles despite not even knowing what they are...

My phone suddenly gives a loud beep and I don't even have to look to know it's Aph telling me to come over and start the full moon process.

I grab my blue coat and throw it over my shoulder. "Laurence!! I'm heading to Aphmaus and I won't be back till tomorrow!"

A loud thunk sounds upstairs, "Alright bye!"

I could have sworn Laurence was gonna question me, guess not. I carefully open the door, trying to control my now superhuman strength, not that I didn't have superhuman strength before but now it's ten times as intense.

The street is quiet, but that's not unusual. I try to keep my nerves down by focusing on the tap of my shoes on the pavement. Somehow the walk to Aphs house feels like it took hours longer than normal. At one point I swear I hear more footsteps behind me, but when I turned around to check there's nothing but the empty sidewalk and glowing street lights.

I give a few solid knocks on the dark oak door and wince when I hear hinges snap and watch as the door tumbles inward.


"Cmon babe it wasn't that funny, "

Aphmau coils over in laughter, a sight that hasn't been seen in a while. Aaron stands over her and tries to keep her held up, a small grin obvious on his face despite his tone.

"IM SO SORRY I DIDNT MEAN TO!!" I thought I was pretty gentle just then! How come the door snapped off like a twig! I also didn't realize my ears and tail are visible now, ugh.

"It's alright Garroth, It's just the full moon making you a bit stronger." Seemed like more than a bit. "Speaking of which, we should get you set up now. We could change any minute."

As Aph finally recovers from her little outburst, and Aaron strategically leans the door against its now broken frame, we make our way upstairs.

The chains against the floor shine in the artificial light. I'm scared, but who wouldn't be. I sit cross-legged on the floor and let Aphmau chain me down. This would almost be funny if it weren't such a serious situation. My tail swings in discomfort against the metal.

Suddenly Aaron winces and his eyes grow dark, He clenches his teeth but they rapidly sharpen in his mouth and it's obvious this is the beginning of the fullbring transformation. His hair spikes and stands on end. Aphmau was very similar, and after a second they stare directly into each other's eyes. Almost instantly their fangs retract and their hair flattens back against their scalp.

The nerves in my stomach grow more intense. For a split second, I think I'm safe. I'm not gonna turn because I'm not in love. I don't have to worry. Suddenly there's a sharp pain in my chest. My blood pulses fast and hard in my ears. I feel my teeth extend and morph into shard points.

"ARGH!!!" The pain is more intense than I thought it would be, and I can feel control slip from my grasp. Aphmau grabs my shoulders and stares hard into my blue eyes that are quickly turning darker. Nothing stops.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 26, 2020 ⏰

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