Part 4~Wrong Foot~

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She looks at her cracked phone screen one more time just to make sure of the address.

8975 Orchid Drive...

Yup - that giant house surrounded by cherry blossom trees – was the right address. Ok, so she should have expected that.

Eighty thou was not a small amount of money. The guy offering it had to have some sort of rich standing. Come to think of it, as she walks the pink pelted massive drive way, she's beginning to think she's being jilted.

This guy could probably afford way more than Eighty thousand dollars... Still - better take what she could get.

Her phone pings. She looks down at it to read the message.

'Be careful ok. Hanks being dramatic and insists you break body parts if he gets 'handsy'. His words not mine.

Great - so this guy could be a fifty year old leech that likes to prey on unsuspecting girls, or just a grade ass pervert.

Another ping.

'Also - his names Ren Hamasaki'

Japanese? He was Japanese? Well - his name was anyway. She's not sure that makes her feel better though.

With a deep breath she climbs up the mile long stone carved steps, her worn out high tops look even uglier on the pristine marble as she reaches the never ending end of the walk up here. Man - imagine running this drive way, you don't even need to get off the property. Just run down and back once. Had to make at least a mile.

Asa looks at the door in confusion, why wa sit so huge? Why did houses have to be this big anyway? Didn't people get lonly with so many empty rooms?

With one last desperate look behind her, she finds the doorbell. It's a button as large as her hand, smooth and squared and lights up white glow when she presses her palm to it. How'd she miss that?

The chiming sounds off inside.

She waits.

And waits.

And waits.

After what feels like forever, Asa gets the funny feeling she's being punked. With a confused, angry, sigh, she turns to leave. Why would Wyly get her hopes up like that? Or maybe it was just Hank. But Hank doesn't play pranks like this -

The door creaks open, eeeever so slowly.

Well - if that wasn't creepy as hell...

Asa turns narrow dark eyes at the crack in the door. Is she supposed to walk in? Isn't there a butler or something? What kind of joke was this? And who in their right mind would think anyone would just walk into a freakily opened door....

Asa shakes her head, not in this lifetime buddy. And she turns to leave. Her feet stop. Eighty thousand dollars ring in her head.

Grampa could get treatment, they could get papers, they could get an actual place to live -

Eighty thousand - the words taunted her. She grits her teeth, squeezes her eyes shut against the taunt, her fist ball and her nails cut into her palms... she could be going into a trap - than who would take care of Grandpa?

Eighty thousand -

But what if -

Eighty thousand -

The voice was starting to sound like Wyly.

Asa groans in defeat. To hell with this. She was dead either way.

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