Chapter 1

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here is Chapter 1, I hope you like it! Also, I would like to thank my cousin Lucy for helping me edit it ❤️

"Tony, where are you? Your meeting starts in half an hour!" called Tony's best friend Pepper, who had appointed herself Tony's assistant as, in her words, he was 'the most disorganised person on the planet'. "Come on Tony, we can stop off for coffee if you hurry!"

That got Tony running down from upstairs. Even though he was a fully grown adult and literally older than Pepper, Tony often behaved youthfully, so she occasionally resorted to bribing him as she would a child.

"I'm ready, Pep," he said with a grin as he stood in front of her.
Pepper rolled her eyes at him playfully. "You sure you have everything?"
"Positive. Let's go."

And off they went to the coffee shop. It had been Tony's favourite coffee place for years, ever since he moved back to New York. He loved it because of the staff there; they treated him like a normal person, not his 'genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist' persona, and he'd become great friends with them over the years.

However, when they arrived, they soon realised that the coffee shop wouldn't be open for another hour as several members of staff were off ill, much to Tony's dismay. "We can just come back after your meeting," Pepper suggested, in an attempt to lift her friend's spirits.

Before Tony could respond, a tall blond man had appeared next to them. He was trying to open the door to the coffee shop, a look of confusion crossing his face as he realised it was shut with nobody inside. "Excuse me, do you happen to know why the shop isn't open yet?" the man asked. He nodded in disappointment at Tony and Pepper's reply. "I hope the staff are alright. I just wanted to buy some coffee for my friend - she's feeling a bit under the weather."

Tony could barely listen to a word the blond man said - thanks to his evident handsomeness - and Tony could've sworn he'd seen him somewhere before? The man's blue eyes looked extremely familiar, but he couldn't put name to face. As Pepper talked to the man about the coffee shop, Tony worked up the courage to ask who he was. Offering his hand for the blond man to shake, he said, "Tony Stark. Have I met you before? You look familiar."
"Stark? You're not Howard Stark's son, are you?" Steve replied, shaking Tony's hand firmly.

Tony's eyes widened as he finally realised who this man was. "Yes, I am - and you're Steve Rogers, aren't you? I can't believe I didn't recognise you - Dad talked about you all the time when I was a kid, I was such a fan of yours-" He stopped abruptly, realising he was probably embarrassing himself, and turned very red indeed.

To his relief, Steve smiled. "Wow, I'm flattered. Thank you. Maybe we could grab a coffee sometime and talk some more? When the shop's actually open, of course," he asked, and Tony couldn't stop the smile that crept onto his face.

"I would love that. Uh, here, I'll give you my phone number and we can call," Tony offered, taking out his pocket-sized notepad and pen from his suit jacket and scribbling down his number. He handed it to Steve. "See you around." Tony smiled to himself as he walked away.

"So, what's it like, having a crush on your dad's friend?" Pepper teased, grinning as they neared the meeting venue.

"What? I don't have a crush on Steve!" Tony blurted out defensively.

"You totally do. I can see it in your eyes!"

"I do not!"

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