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Harry has known Louis his whole life, they've been inseparable since birth. Their mothers met in school and became best friends before their sons were born. Harry always had a special connection with Louis, he never quite understood why he couldn't connect with anyone better than with Lou. He didn't mind though, Louis was the only person he needed. Harry loved his whole family dearly, well all but one person, Harry's father. His father was always a strict parent, and Harry was constantly reminded of this.

Harry's POV

Ugh, I'm so bored. What to do what to do, oh I'll call Lou.

*ring ring ring*

"Hey, Lou!"

"Hey Harry, what's up"

"I'm bored come over"

"Okay, be there in 10."

Finally something to do, now i just have to wait for Louis. It's a nice out today, I'll wait for Louis on the front porch.

I walk out my door and to the front porch, it's not much but we have a small porch swing which I sit on a lot. I like to be outside and enjoy the nature and fresh air. I don't normally get to do this often since it's raining most of the time so when I can I do.

I hear a noise and look up it's Louis's car he's finally here! I start skipping towards Louis's car, quickly towering over him. Ive always been much taller than Louis, though he's older than me, I don't mind much. I can't say the same for Louis though.

"Hey Lou what do you want to do today?" Louis smiled that bright smile I adore so much.

"Actually I have a surprise for you." What, I didn't know Louis had something planned, what could it possibly be? Though i can't say i'm that surprised

"What, you planned something, what is it?" I'm confused I really don't know what it could be. Though he does surprise me with different things a lot.

"Well if I told you it wouldn't be a surprise would it," Louis said smirking once again. I guess he's right, I just want to know what it is. I think it's one of my most obvious qualities, impatience, that is.

I hop in Louis's car as he gestures toward the passenger's side. My mind runs through all the places Louis could be taking me. Louis likes to do this type of thing a lot, he loves to surprise me.

"So how long will it take to get to this mystery destination?" Louis stayed silent for quite a while before finally saying something.

"About an hour. Before you start running through all the places we could be going don't, you won't figure it out," Louis said smirking that mischievous smile again. Where could he possibly be taking me?

Louis' POV

After Harry's call I quickly get dress and head out the door. I was actually hoping he'd ask to hang out. I have a place in mind to take him, the thing is I love to surprise Harry by taking him different places. But this time I have a little something extra planned.

I arrive at Harry's and he gets into the car, he asks about it a bit but I avoid giving any clues, accidentally or on purpose.

I know Harry very well and I know he'll love it. We're about 10 minutes into the car ride there when I glance over at Harry to see him staring out the window. Harry is always staring off into space, I'm is his best mate but sometimes I have no idea what he's thinking. It's too silent especially for Harry and I so I speak up.

"What are you thinking about Haz?" Harry quickly snaps his head up at me and stares at me with questioning eyes.

I answer already knowing what he's going to say, "You just looked pretty deep in thought."

Harry laughs, "I'm always deep in my thoughts Lou you know that." He's right I do, I want to know what Harrys thinking about though.

I've always thought I knew everything about Harry but more recently he's been drifting off into space a lot. I can't quite put my finger on it but somethings off with him. And I think I know what it is. Never mind that, I need to think about when I'm going to do it.

I'm almost positive I know what's been on Harry's mind lately, I think he shares these feelings I have. I'm not completely sure what makes me think my feelings are mutual but I just know. Maybe he's debating whether his feelings are ready there or not, either way, I'm going to find out. I need to. I'm going to kiss him.

Harry's POV

Louis asking me what I was thinking about made me petty nervous, good thing he didn't ask any further questions. He's my best mate but I don't know how I would talk to him about this. Would he accept me, would he be too weirded out to hang out with me anymore? What am I even saying course he would accept me he's my best mate after all. But there's always a chance. How do I tell my best mate I'm gay?

We spend pretty much the rest of the car ride talking about random things and listening to our favorite music. We finally arrive but before I can look around Louis quickly covers my eyes with his hand.

"Lou, what are you doing?" I'm not quite sure why he's bothering to cover my eyes were already here.

I can almost hear him smirking as he speaks, "I told you it's a surprise, all the way until we get to the spot." I roll my eyes playfully before remembering he can't see this gesture. As we're walking to who knows where Louis stops us in our tracks.

"We're here Haz." Again I don't know where here is but I'm sure I'll love it, Louis just knows me too well.

"And where exactly is that?" Just as I finish my sentence Louis moves his hand from over my eyes. Oh my- it's beautiful, it's a park filled with flowers and amazing greenery.

"Lou- it's beautiful I love it." Louis smiles gently instead of smirking this time.

"I just knew you'd love it here." He lays down the blanket I didn't realize he was carrying and we both sit down.

Louis and I have just been talking for the last hour or so, enjoying the beautiful scenery. I keep thinking about bringing it up but when is a good time? Every time I think I've finally built up the courage to do it I back out.

You know what I'm just going to do it. But just as I'm about to bring it up Louis interrupts me without knowing.

"So Harry do I know you well or what?" For no reason, the biggest, cheesiest smile spreads across his face and I get this weird feeling. What are these butterflies? No, no Louis my best mate that's all. But yet again Louis seems to know exactly what I'm thinking. He starts leaning in towards me, is he going to kiss me? I want to back away but something's telling me not to so I start to lean in as well.

*ring ring ring*

I'm startled by the noise as is Louis, we both quickly jump back. I look down at the blanket to realize it's my phone, my dad being the mystery caller.

"Hello, dad? What's going on?"

Through the phone, my dad's angered voice echos, "Where are you it's past your curfew." I jolt my head up to realize the sun is almost finished setting.

"I- I- I'm sorry dad I lost track of time"

My dad yells through the phone once more, "Just get home. NOW." He quickly hangs up and Louis is already picking up the blanket, clearly having heard my dad.

Louis and I drive home in silence, both of us clearly not wanting to talk about what happened at the park. What even happened back there...

Authors notes

This is my first book so I know it probably won't be very great but I love feedback and I hope as the chapters go on I can improve to make the book overall better

When it comes to updating it will just depend on my week and how busy I am, I have school so that definitely comes first but I will definitely try to update at least 2-3 times a week sometimes it will be more

Thank you for everyone showing their support by reading and following, please comment as well :)

I know this chapter is really short but future ones will definitely be longer

Feel free to message me anytime!

-C :)

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