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Harry's POV

I wake up to the annoying buzzing of my alarm, one more day of school just one more day until the weekend. I quickly get up and throw on some black skinny jeans and a white tee shirt.

I race downstairs already knowing Gemma has cooked a big breakfast. Every time Gemma comes home she cooks a big breakfast for me knowing I usually don't eat much for breakfast.

"Morning Harry how'd you sleep, hun?" Gemma's voice is sweet and soothing, I've missed her so much.

"Not too well but i'll survive, what's for breakfast?" I can't see what she's cooking since she's standing in front of the counter.

"Waffles, yours will be done in about a minute. How are your bruises healing?" She walks over to me, inspecting my face curiously.

"Okay, I guess." I want to avoid the rest of this conversation more than anything, I know what's coming.

"Harry, you can't just let dad get away with this. You definitely don't deserve to be treated this way. If you don't stand up for yourself who's going to, you can't always rely on your problems just simply going away. That's not how it works." I know Gemma's right, and I hate to say it but I'm scared of my dad.

"Yeah, yeah, I will." She can tell I'm not telling the truth, but she knows how uncomfortable I am so she drops it for now.

"One waffle coming your way." She plates the waffle and gives it to me. I eat it pretty quickly and get my shoes and coat on for school.

"Gemma, would you mind giving me a ride?" I going to need one, it's pouring out and Louis's not taking me.

"Sure Harry, wait I thought Lou drives you to school. Is he sick or something?" Fuck. Of course, she has to question it.

"Um no I just need a ride okay?" Please don't question it, please.

"Okay, Harry." She doesn't question it any further and motions out the front door while picking up her keys.

We get into the car silently. Gemma starts the engine and turns out the driveway. I stare out the window watching the rain pour down. I've always loved to rain, it's so peaceful and soothing.

"So where's Louis then." Okay, I might as well tell her.

"Well, Lou and I kind of aren't speaking at the moment." I figured I'd start there.

"Why? What happened between you." I thought this is the response I'd get.

"A couple of days ago Louis and I decided to hang out and he surprised me by taking me to this park. We hung out there for a while and just talked. I was actually planning on telling him I was gay then." As I'm speaking Gemma's nodding along while focusing on the road.

"Right as I was about to bring it up, he tried to kiss me." Shock spreads across her face and she glanced over at me

"So did you kiss him back?" I'm getting there Gemma be patient, though she's not the patient type I should've expected it.

"Well I was about to but that's when dad interrupted and called me to get home. I hadn't realized how late it had gotten. When I hung up the phone he heard our conversation and was already packing up. We drove home in silence." Gemma looks quite invested in the story.

"So you two just haven't talked since?" Nope, just been ignoring him.

"Uh yeah, I've kind of been ignoring him, but he hasn't made much of an effort to talk either." Gemma gives me a look and I know exactly what it means, you need to talk it out with him.

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