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Harry's POV

Surprisingly we talk like normal the whole car ride. We get home and walk inside where his family is watching a movie in the living room.

I call Louis's home mine since I'm here so often, it feels like home too. I'm close to Louis but I'm close to his family as well like they're my own.

"Sweetie, you're home, do you want to watch a movie with us?" Louis's mum asks him without looking up, not noticing me. She looks up and sees me standing here with Lou.

"Oh, Harry hun didn't see you there. It's good to see you, I know Lou definitely missed you." I smirk of course he missed me. I look over at Louis and I can already see him burning a bright red.

"Good to know sweet cheeks," I whisper in his ear while winking cheekily. I really did miss this.

"Good to see you too Jay." It really is good to see her I missed Lou's family too. I send a smile to Jay and the girls, they smile back as we walk away.

We walk up to Louis's room and I immediately know what we're going to do.

"Wanna watch a movie." I love watching movies with Lou, plus he always lets me pick and we end up watching The Notebook.

"Sounds fun, what movie do you want to watch?" I smirk and he smiles back already knowing what I'm going to say.

"The Notebook." He gives me a playful eye roll but complies with a nod.

"Okay Haz we can watch The Notebook." Of course, he agrees, he always does. I quickly run over to where he keeps all the movies and put in The Notebook.

I hop onto his bed and climb in as the movie begins. I roll over onto my side, we always cuddle when we watch movies, I've never told Lou this but it's my favorite part. He quickly cuddles up to me pressing his chest against my back, wrapping his arms around me.

It's so calming being with him again, I missed this so much. I always feel ten times more comfortable with Louis. We've always been like this with each other, it's always felt natural.

I don't remember much after a certain point in the movie, I must have fallen asleep. I definitely don't mind though, considering I'm with Louis. I never want to leave Louis's arms, I never want to stop being with him. Is this love, is that what Louis and I have?

I wake up to a loud whimper, I can't quite figure out what it is considering I'm half asleep. I glance over at the clock realizing it's about 2 in the morning. I see a flash of light and immediately following a loud crash of thunder. And then it hits me, the noise that woke me up is coming from Louis.

When we were little Louis and I were talking about our fears and he admitted to me that he's afraid of thunderstorms. He made me promise not to tell anyone not even our friends because he was embarrassed about it. I reassured him that it was nothing to be embarrassed about because we all have fears but, I promised I wouldn't tell anyone.

I roll over so I'm facing him and give him a concerned look.

"Lou baby, it's okay it's just a storm it won't hurt you, I promise." I try to be as sincere as possible knowing he's very self-conscious about this fear.

He looks at me, poor thing he looks terrified. I pull his head into my chest and run my hand through his hair to help calm him down. I whisper reassuring words into his ear.

"It's okay Lou, you're with me, you're safe. Just close you're eyes, it'll be okay." I know this sounds kind of mean but I'm glad it's storming and Louis got scared. Not because he's scared I hate that, but because I get to be here with him and comfort him.

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