chapter.4 : the resolve

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YOUR P.O.V. ~~~

Your ran to natsu's house and opened the door. "Natsu!!", you yelled standing at the entrance. "Go away!!", he said in a whiney yet demanding voice. You slowlywalked to where his voice was. You saw him under his covers. "Natsu.....", you said in a stern voice. He looked up and you could see all the hurt in his eyes. "I told you to go away.....", he said sorta irrtated. You walked up, grabbed him by his scarf and slapped him across the face. He looked at you with shocked wide eyes. Your bangs covered your eyes. You looked up with tears coming out of your eyes and yelled frustrated, "is that how you treat someone who came to help you out of concern. "I'm sorry." He said looking down. "No, I'm sorry I shouldn't have come to cheer you up, there is nothing I can do, I just came here because, I felt the need to help you." You said walking towards the door. He suddenly grabbed your hand making you blush a little bit. "No,....please stay,...I need all the help I can get.", he said with a sad smile. You hugged him. He was sorta shocked by your sudden action but, then hugged you back. You pulled away. "Okay first things first, man up, I know your heart broken but, she didn't seem heart broken at all, she used you and tossed you away like a piece of trash.", you said softly kinda lying."but, that doesn't mean you can't become friends and if you just don't want to face her right now we can go on a mission." You added. He looked at you thoughtfully. "Okay, but I don't want to face her right now and I just want time to think.....also, I get to destroy all fired up!!!", he said happily. You sweatdropped.

~~Time skip ( a week later ) ~~ at the guild

You walked in the guild and went to the request board. You couldn't help but feel stares from decided to go to the guild alone because natsu didn't want to see lisanna at the current moment. You felt a glare from lisanna. You just ignored and pick a request for 150,000 jewel for taking care of some monsters near a town. The towns name was 'Manuka'. You walked up to mira. "Mira, I would like this job, oh and natsu is coming with me, you know to 'think'.", you said to the white haired mage. "Oh ok, and good luck.", she said winking and smirking. 'You would think she would be mad at me for hurting her sister'. You walked out the guild to go get natsu. You were happy this was your first mission with him.

(Oh and the somg I put up is entirely not for the chapter I just love the song but, it also goes with my chapter. Til' next update bye!!!)

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