Chapter 9: A storm in the middle of paradise

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Doctor Wang!” Dylan who has been avoiding this confrontation for weeks, finally stopped walking and hesitantly turned around to see Doctor Sun Qian catching up to him.

He avoided her like the plague mainly because he still couldn’t face her for the incident that happened when she practically dragged him to the parking lot and tried to get him in her car.
Sun Qian smiled at him while Dylan crossed his arms, getting ready to decline whatever it is she’s about to proposition.

“Emergency meeting at the board room in 10 minutes.” Sun Qian said to him.

Well that was not he was expecting at all.

“Alright. I’ll be there.” Dylan cleared his throat and Sun Qian smiled at him before patting his shoulder and walking away. Dylan watched her figure strut in the empty hallway before he left to go get his laptop from the office.


Shen Yue for whatever reason has a few of her clothes, make up, and beauty essentials in Dylan’s penthouse. Last week, he even gave her a spare key of his place and when she asked why, all he did was smile and kissed her.

Of course, she accepted and was over the moon filled with joy.

She arrived past 5 at his place, holding two grocery bags. When she was rummaging through the kitchen last night, she found out that apart from beers and 2 eggs, there were practically no food at his refrigerator and pantry due to the lack of time he has to go grocery shopping.

So like the angel that Shen Yue is, she decided to do the shopping and filled his kitchen pantry and refrigerator with meat, snacks, ice cream vegetables, and other food that she hopes Dylan might like.

Shen Yue has also been watching some cooking tutorials and asked her mom for advice so she can cook for Dylan. They had been eating way too much take out and at fancy restaurants. Yue didn’t mind, though. She’s just glad that she’s spending time with Dylan and being near him makes him happy.

Sometimes, she would lie in bed and watch him sleep. Wondering what life would’ve been like if they haven’t met.

If she wasn’t working at the coffee shop, would they even met and be who they are today? She sometimes have negative thoughts and wonder if one day, if he’ll ever get tired of her, would she return all of the things that he gave her? His old hoodies, his perfume, and the necklace he gave her because he told her that she reminds him of the moon.

The thought makes her sad and lonely, until she realizes that Dylan never confirmed if they were dating or not. All she knows is that she has few of her stuff in his place, he treats her well, and he kisses her; a lot. She frowned momentarily but tried to suppress a giggle when Dylan loudly snored.

She closed her eyes and try to not think of their relationship.

Over the course of the next few days, things had been going smoothly between the two of them, until Yue saw Dylan talking to a girl.

She thought nothing of it at first, but when the girl got a little too comfortable with Dylan and even linked her arms to his as they both walked away from the hospital, she started getting jealous. Yue wanted to follow Dylan but she still has work so all she could do is just let them go.

She tried to catch him in the act. Would try to guess his password on his phone whenever he’s showering, would sometimes show up randomly at guys’ night with him and his friends, and would even try to talk about past relationships, hoping Dylan would break down and suddenly confess.

Shen Yue couldn’t shake off the feeling of being concerned and worried that he really is starting to see other people. She can’t help but feel insecure. Plus, it’s her biggest flaw to overthink towards the people she cares about.

One night, on impulse, when they were seating at Dylan’s white sofa watching news, she couldn’t help but ask about his past and the girls he dated. Dylan tried to swiftly change the subject, but Yue wouldn’t let the topic go.

“I saw you with a girl a few days ago, is that a friend or?” She twirled a piece of her hair and avoid looking at him.

Dylan blinked at Yue twice before answering “Which girl?”

Yue felt like a cold bucket splashed all over her body.

There were more? How many girls are there in his life?

Yue knows that her emotions were getting the best of her but she couldn’t help it. She needed to know.

“The long haired girl.”

“I have a lot of long haired friends. Why do you ask?” Dylan tilted his face to fully see Yue’s face.

And then Shen Yue opens her mouth and tells him, stupidly, about what she thinks of Dylan’s past and the rumors she heard about him. Of course there would be countless of rumors to the famous doctor in Shanghai. She can’t help but overhear some of the customers talking about Doctor Wang and his new girl. He always has a new girl every month, or that’s what she heard from the customers who knows a lot about everyone in Shanghai Hospital.

Then there was Wang Zi Wei, her high school besfriend who interned in Shanghai Hospital last year before moving to Beijing. When Yue told her that she is seeing Doctor Wang, her friend told her to be careful for she heard rumors about how the Doctor would sometimes hook up with interns and naïve girls.

She really tried to bury her feelings but the last straw is when she saw the girl linked arms with Dylan.

Dylan looks at her for a long time before answering.

“Are you really trying to start a fight right now?” Dylan sighs, and rubbed his tired eyes.

Yue blinked at him, not answering his question.

Dylan looks like he was about to speak again when his phone rang. He picked it up and nodded his head. He ended the call and turned to look at Yue who was fighting back her tears.

“I have to go. There’s an emergency at the hospital.” Dylan doesn’t elaborate, he never does as he seems to try avoid the medical life when he’s with Yue.
Dylan stood up from where he’s sitting and planted a quick peck on Yue’s forehead, seemingly calming her overwhelming feelings.

“We’ll talk later,” he says.

“Okay.” Yue waits for the thud of the front door closing before slumping down in the sofa and flinging an arm over her face.

They don’t talk about it at all.


Things have not been going smoothly ever since Shen Yue asked Dylan Wang about his past relationships. She even went to her old apartment and slept there for two days instead of sleeping at his penthouse. Nevertheless, she would still have dinners with Dylan and would text him during his nightly shifts at the hospital.

She had the whole weekend off for it was her mom’s birthday. She packed lightly and taking the plane, and arriving to her hometown before lunch time.

Her mom wasn’t expecting her until dinner so she and her brother went around town and reminisce fond memories she had during her teenage years. They then ate some steamed buns and chai tea near the park and walked briskly for a few more minutes before returning home.

Her family went out during dinner and bought a two tower cake for her mom.
Yue didn’t call nor text Dylan for the rest of the night for she was too tired, too full from the Chinese restaurant that they ate, and didn’t bother to disturb him since he never really made an effort to be the first one to initiate their conversation.

She falls asleep quickly.

When Shen Yue wakes, it was still dark outside. She yawns then got out of bed and straight to the kitchen to grab a glass of water. She finds her mother there, who seems to be making her infamous sweet and sour pork ribs that their family friends often finds delicious.

They sat down and had a heartwarming talk. When her mother asked her if she’s seeing anyone or dating, Shen Yue began to feel sad again.

She told her mother everything that’s been going on with her and Dylan. Yue’s mother listened attentively and even offering advices to her daughter.

It felt good talking about the problems that’s bothering her for the past few days. When her mother left to go the bathroom, Yue picked up her phone and dialed Dylan’s number.

Dylan doesn’t pick up on the first two tries. The third time, it goes to voicemail and Shen Yue waits another few minutes before calling again.

“Yue, hi.” Dylan picks up on the fourth ring and he seems to be out of breath and tired.

“Hello.” She meekly replied. She was biting her fingernails, another habit of hers that she picked up from Dylan himself whenever he’s bored or anxious about something.

“Why are you calling?”

Shen Yue harshly bit one fingernails of her as she combed her disheveled hair.

“Fine then.” Yue was about to hang up when Dylan chuckled

“I was kidding.”

“You weren’t funny.” She can hear Dylan sighing on the other line followed by a couple of laughs? Shen Yue doesn’t know if she heard it correctly but it seems to be a girls’ laugh.

Don’t overthink. Don’t overthink Yue kept telling herself while trying to blink away her tears.

“Who are you with?” Yue suddenly asked Dylan.

“It’s Doctor Sun Qian’s birthday---“
Dylan never finished his sentence for Shen Yue hanged up the phone and cried. It’s still dawn, meaning it’s way too early to celebrate a friend’s birthday. She caught him in the act. He really has been messing with her this whole time, she thinks.

Her mother saw her crying on the kitchen counter and hugged her.

“What’s wrong?”

“Dylan.” Her voice was croaked and she removed herself from her mom’s hug then wiped her tears.

“I’m going back to bed.”


When she returned back from Shanghai, she avoided the Dylan and going to his place. Whenever she would see even a hint of white coat or a tall man, she would make a run for it. She even asked her manager for she could switch shifts, to try and not see the Dylan too much.

On days where she couldn’t avoid seeing him, she would see him outside of the hospital and laughing with his friends after his shift ended. Dylan would accidentally catch her gaze and for a moment she thinks he might go up to her, but he would quickly look away and turn his attention to his colleagues.

He wouldn’t call nor text her. It was like she never existed in his life.

It was on the 10th day that Shen Yue decided that she couldn’t take it anymore and wanted to see Dylan Wang.

She vented towards Li Jiaqi who comforted her after their shift ended.
“You really like him, huh.” She says to Shen Yue, and watched her carefully.

“Yes. I’m so stupid” Shen Yue wiped her tears.

Yue felt guilty for ever bringing up the conversation with Dylan’s past and now she thinks that she messed up. What would happen to her clothes and belongings at his penthouse? The reason for their fight was stupid and irrational and she felt really bad to just accuse Dylan because of his past.

“Shen Yue, its okay to be stupid sometimes. You’re not the first one to lose it over a dumb guy. ” Lia Jiaqi says, hugging her loosely.

“You want to get back together? Then stop moping and do something. Nothing you want to happen is gonna happen if you’re just going to sit around and wait. Your man is literally just beside our coffee shop!” Jiaqi exclaimed, removing her arms around Shen Yue who sat right up.

Li Jiaqi, dragged Shen Yue away from the coffee shop and towards the direction of the hospital. “Go, go, go, Yue!”

Hi so the next upcoming chapters are going to be very emotional. Just wanted to give you guys a heads up. Anyway, I hope everyone has a nice day and I'll see you on my next one. ❤

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