Chapter 11

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DYLAN'S POV (wow ikr)
Im really sad that I'm not going to MAGCON but happy im going to get all the baby's stuff done.

I think Ima go to star bucks let me tell luke before so he doesn't worry.
me: hey luke ima go to star bucks im just telling you so U don't worry ok love you bye.
Luke: k thanks for letting me no see YA latter babe.

I drove to Starbucks and when I got in I saw a sad looking Evan .ugh idiot.

He looked up at me with puffy blood shot eyes. I needed to see what's up.

"Evan are you ok" I asked him walking over to his table.
"Im fine." he said looking down. and reached for his untouched drink to throw it away.

When he picked up his cup I saw marks on his arm. oh my god.

"Evan come here now." "Ya he" he said holding back tears "give me your wrist"i said "no" he stated.

"Yes" "fine" when he pulled up his sleves i had tears coming down my face.

"Evan why" I asked "I did something terribly worng Dylan." he cried into my chest. "im sorry I'm sorry I'm so so sorry V." he yelled/ cries in my chest

I was shocked.
When we got on the plane I was still kinda scared but I will get over it.

So I just slept through the whole ride like always. " V wake up." Jake said shaking my shoulder.

"UGHH fine." when we walked out the plane I saw the same driver as the first one.

"Good evening mrs hemmings." "fuck you." I giggled and walked into the car.

"Hey bitches way up." I said to cam and nash. "good to see you again" can said laughing.

"Hey babe." nash said linking his arm around me. "so about this new guy." i questioned.

"Oh YA Sammy wilkinson your sharing a room since MAHOGANY and i are." can smirked oh gawd.

"So we're is every one." "oh they didn't feel like coming so they are at the hotel." nash said.

I checked in and went straight in my room to sleep.

But when I got there that Sammy dude was there. "hey I guess I'm sharing a room with you." I said bringing Sammy to look up to his phone.

"Holy shit she is hot." he whisperd to himself. "thanks?"

"I-i um im sam." he said and smirked. "im violet" and i laughed.

"So Violet tell me about your self." he said getting closer. "im there isn't really anything to no im a open book." i smirked

"Oh really is that so" he said. "y-" I was cut of with lips crashing on to mine oh my god he is so hot. but wait matt.

And I didn't evan pull back till now. "look sam i think we should just be friends." i said looking down.

"With benifits." he added "maybe" i smirked and left the room to go find matt.

Mabye this friends with benefits thing could actually work. and I smirked ahh fuck it lets do this.

5sos/one direction Bullied by taylor caniffWhere stories live. Discover now