Chapter 11

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Jimin sits on his desk tapping a pen on his notebook. Taehyung sits on his desk, "So what do you want to eat for lunch? Kookie found this place not too far away. It's kind of expensive but it's really good. And guess what?" Jimin looks at him and Taehyung cheers, "It's close to that all girl school! I heard they were allowed to eat at that restaurant during lunch."

Jimin looks back at his notebook uninterested as Jungkook walks in with a big smile on his face. He takes the seat next to Jimin and says, "So, I'm assuming he told you about the gold mine I found?" Taehyung laughs and says, "You're getting me excited! I heard there were beautiful girls at that school!"

Jungkook jokes, "Yeah, the chances of you getting rejected by the entire school are basically zero! So it's a win in my book." Taehyung punches his arm as Jimin stares at his notebook in silence. Jungkook says, "You don't seem interested."

Mina, Momo, and Sana enter the room and Jimin's eyes dart up. He makes eye contact with Mina but the two were quick to look away flustered. Taehyung asks, "What was that about?" Jimin stays quiet and glances at the notebook filled with doodles. Taehyung says, "You told us nothing happened last time you two talked. Are you hiding something from us?"

Suddenly, Sana shoves Taehyung off Jimin's desk and sits on it. Jimin looks up to her smile and she says, "Morning, lady legs." He blushes as Jungkook snorts, "Lady legs!? Hahahaha, never heard of that one before." Taehyung stares at her flustered and notices Momo stand by her. Mina sat down and Taehyung looks around confused.

He says, "Did I miss something?" Sana glances at Taehyung and Jungkook and smiles, "Huh? He hasn't told you yet?" Jungkook says a bit uneasy, "She knows something about you that we don't?" Sana smiles brightly, "Oh, I'm surprised. If I was dating Mina, I would tell the world about it."

Taehyung yells, "YOU'RE WHAT!?" Jungkook smiles brightly and says, "Ah that's why you weren't excited." Sana and Momo turn to him. Momo asks, "Excited about what?" Jungkook says, "Oh we were just going to eat lunch at this girl hotspot and-"

Mina suddenly joins the conversation, "What?" All five turn to her and notice the dark look in her eyes. Jimin defends himself, "I-I didn't want to go!" Taehyung and Jungkook suddenly notice the fear in his voice. Taehyung chuckles the awkwardness and says, "Hahaha, only Jungkook wanted to go. I'm not like that."

Jungkook turns to him betrayed and Taehyung continues to chuckle a bit nervously while stealing glances at Sana who's smiling at him. Momo goes to Mina and teases, "See this is why I told you that you have to be more outgoing. Here." She helps Mina stands the brings her next to Jimin's desk. The couple looks at Momo confused then she pushes Mina so she sits on Jimin's lap.

Jimin's eyes widen and Momo says, "See! You're a couple! Jimin even likes it!" Mina turns to look at Jimn's eyes and whispers innocently, "Do you like it when I sit on your lap?" He blushes madly while his two friends stare at him with envy. Jimin stutters, "I-I don't mind." Mina's sudden fire comes out as a burst of jealousy breaks free, "You wanted to go to that restaurant so other girls can sit on you, right?"

Jimin raises his voice, "N-no! I'm not even gonna go! I only want you to sit on my lap!" Mina replies, "It's fine. Let's go."

Jimin and Jungkook exclaim, "What?" Mina crosses her arms and says, "If Jimin wants to see girls, I'll go with him." Jimin blushes and stutters, "N-no, I didn't want to see them. Didn't."

Jungkook and Taehyung turn to Jimin with an apologetic look. It's as if they brought him into this mess accidentally. Mina says, "No, it's fine. We just started anyway. Go ahead, I like this way better. If anything we can just end all of this." That's when fear filled his heart. Jimin didn't want to forget Mina but he knew once she fell out of love with him, she'll be erased from his memories.

Jimin sighs, "okay." Sana squeals, "Yay! I want to go!" Momo adds, "Me too, what kind of food does this place have?" Jungkook smiles, "It has meat and pork belly! It's great!" Sana asks him, "Oh... so you go to this place a lot?" Jungkook blushes and says, "Huh?" Sana says with a smile, "You go here a lot? The restaurant with the girls?"

Jungkook gulps and Taehyung says, "Yeah, he kept telling us to check it out. It's our first time going there, right Jimin?" Sana turns to Taehyung who's smiling at her and Jimin adds quickly, "YEAH! Never been there before in my entire life!"


Jungkook leads the way to the restaurant while Momo walks by his side. Taehyung and Sana walked behind Mina and Jimin who were silent.

Jimin whispers, "I really didn't want to go." Mina ignores him and wraps her arm around his. She smiles, "I know, I was just teasing you." He blushes and whispers back, "Then why did you want to go?" Mina blushes and looks away, "What Sana said really made me think...."

Jimin raises an eyebrow and she says, "This is the first time I'm actually allowed to date someone publicly so... I want to show you off?" She wasn't sure if that's what she really wanted but she knew that a chance like this might never happen again.

They enter the restaurant to see several girls wearing the same uniform. Jungkook waves at a few he'd already met before while Taehyung tried his best to give all his attention to Sana to show off how loyal he could be. But she eventually left him for a group of girls that were staring at her.

Taehyung was left alone with Jungkook and Momo while Jimin continued to blush on his way in. Mina wasn't looking around so she didn't see what he saw.

Although Mina clung onto his arm claiming him as her own, that never stopped several girls from winking or waving at him flirtatiously. He blushes trying stay calm but the sudden influx of flirting females caused him to panic. They stay in the table and waited for the waiter to give them a menu.

Suddenly, the restaurant breaks into chatters. Sana joins their table and Jungkook realizes that none of the girls were looking at them so it must've been someone else. He says, "That's a new one."

Mina's stayed glued to her phone while her hand was clutched onto Jimin's. The entire table except Mina turned to the direction of the chatters.

Momo makes eye contact with the two guys who just walked in and suddenly starts to panic. "M-Mina."

The three guys turn to her confused. Momo just stuttered. Mina hums while looking at her phone, "Hmm?" Momo repeats, "Mina, we have to leave." Momo then turns to Jimin with worried eyes and Sana kicks Mina's leg under the table.

Jimin starts to panic and Mina finally looks up, "What?" Momo looks behind her and Mina turns. Jimin didn't know what to expect. Were they scared? Did they know those two high school boys? Why were they so worried about them?

And at that instant, Mina not only let go of Jimin's hand but she distanced from him slightly. He still didn't know what was happening but his heart was aching. Who were the two that just walked in? Why did she let go after seeing him?

The two guys walk towards their table and Mina curses under her breath.

"You should've told me you were in Korea."

Mina replies, "Hi, Joshua."

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