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I just woke up early when my bestfriend Lisa visit me at home.

I often go with Lisa to the sea to hang out.

Ethan often accompanies us,Ethan is also my bestfriend since I was a child.

Even Lisa and Ethan were with me so much fun.

But my parents would often scold me.

Because I often hang out at sea.

"where have u been mom asked me"

" I am with Lisa and Ethan I said to my I feel I'm scared to my mom.,

"Didn't I tell you not to hang out too much
At sea ,what if you drown in the sea mother concern.

"I'm sorry mom if you worried about me"

" just don't repeat Again said my mother.

"yes mom "

"you go to the market help your dad shop said my mom again.

"yes mom i replied to my mom"

"when i came out of the house,lisa approached me"

" did your mom scold you ana?

" no Lisa she just talked to me properly "

"Im worried about scolding you again ana.

"ana can't be scolded ETHAN replied"

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Mar 17, 2021 ⏰

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