'Wait for me alright?'

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Hi guys I didn't update that much but I'll update now

this chapter doesn't have smut just sadness

Rae x reader (it can be male or female this time)

aight enjoy

[Y/n's POV]

Rae told me that he might be gone tomorrow..I got worried...I knew he has a life span like ages ago cause he's been acting weird always in his house staying there and when we call him he says "Hey! oh I'm not free today! maybe next time!" he would always say that I get a drink and stayed at my house crying drunk and hicing thinking  the person I loved and cared the most will be gone forever. I cried..I looked at the clock 10PM? "10 PM? huh? time passes quickly.." I said in a low tone hicing every word "Rae...my one and only ...why would you leave me?...." I played the song photograph at my phone and by the time the part that hit me at the song I sang with it "Hearing you whisper through the phone..*hic*..Wait for me to come home.." I sang hicing and crying my sleeves drowned with my tears bottles of alcohol beside me my phone playing the music I regreted playing....I continued crying for many minutes while drinking..

My phone rang and I look at it about to press the end call button when I noticed who's number was calling me that made me tear up more..'Rae?...' I thought I looked at the time 10:30PM 
Its still early?...is he going to be fine?...I answered the call sniffing and hicing again..till I heard a soft familiar voice bu its a bit cracked..

"h-hey Y/n?.."  he said probably crying too I didn't answer

"I know its y-you I can h-hear you hicing up and s-sniffing..just wanna say my last goodbyes so please answer" he begged I cried and sobbed still not giving him a word

"please wait for me alright?....maybe we won't be together in this lifetime but I promised that we will live happily right?.." He said cracking at the last word I cried more 

"After we meet again I want you to give me a kiss and hugs please y/n...can you give me those when we meet again?...in another life?..." I  chuckled softly still tearing up listening to his soft charming voice 

"please..at least answer me y/n...tell me you'll wait for me...tell me that I don't want you to leave my side.." I could hear him crying while holding back his sniffing finally I gained much strength to answer him but with a cracky voice "y-yeah I will w-wait for you..g-give you h-hugs and give you k-kisses everywhere t-tell you how m-much I adore and love you..tell you that please stay with me from now on and n-never leave me hanging again..." I said looking down wiping my tears that falls from my eyes one by one 

"Y/n I promise that, those time I will stay I won't leave you anymore and this time I'm all yours and I wouldn't leave you anymore...I promise to marry you, stay with you..and have a family with you.." he said softly sobbing through the phone I just said "y-yes please do..never ever leave me again.." he giggled at my horrible voice I can hear the beeping of the monitor from here...

"Please tell me you will be fine y/n..tell me you'll continue to your life and never forget our promises to each other..y/n please tell me..." he said and he looks like he is having a hard time to breath..

"calm down, sweetie...yes I will..for you right?..." 

"Yes y/n for me.." he huffed and sounded like he is adjusting his self from current position he probably ain't comfortable 
"Are you fine?..." I whispered Through the phone 

"wait for me to come home okay?..." he said and I tear up more then a slam off a door was heard it looks like the doctors came...I got worried and stand "no..stay where you are..I'll be waiting for you from the other side..."

No no no no no no no....I sat down again crying "Be fine Rae please be fine.." 

"I will Y/n.." he whispered having the hardest time to breath...
"I love you so much...y/n.." he scoffed 
"I love you too sweetie..." I said 

you are my sunshine

"don't leave please..." he didn't answer...

my only sunshine 

"stay with me please............."

you make me happy..

he didn't answer answer anymore...I heard the doctors doing CPR and I could hear the monitor beeping fastly.

when skies are gray..

flash backs of our soft and precious memories came back to my head...those smiles that made my day..those soft voice that is calming and comforting his soft self hugging me...his soft lips kissing me...

You don't know dear..

"no..no..stay with me please...tell me that you'll make your promises with me true.." I said crying and sobbing through my phone..

How much I love you..

"please..." I heard the doctor said his whole name and time of death.....the flashbacks in my mind continued as I got into my knees and cried like I never did before..."DANG IT!.." 

Please don't take my sunshine away...

I continued pounding at the floor till my hand hurts a lot but I still continued thinking of how stupid am I to not be beside him those times...why didn't I answered his questions...why am I so dumb.."Your so stupid.." I whispered to my self still crying and pounding to the floor feeling all shattered like a broken mirror and cannot be fix again...my voice keeps cracking.."Rae...god damn it Rae...in another life..."  I tried to stop my tears from falling as I lean my self at the wall beside me wiping my tears that started to fall one by one again while thinking of Rae..I calmed down a bit till my phone rang...Rae?..is this a late message?..or I just noticed since we we're at the call...I grabbed my phone and read it..

"Hey darling!, remember okay? if we can't be together in this life we will in another life! I'll make all our promises come true I promise! oh if you had a family in the future? please be happy with them okay? but never ever you dare forget me!, I love you through all around the world and at the bottom of my heart <3 -Your cinnamon Rae" while I read this I imagined that Rae was saying it to me and I smiled softly "We will meet again" I said before trying to sleep.


I was asleep all night then when I woke up I felt a soft embrace that I already missed to feel but no one was there only me and myself..

[Rae's POV (his a guardian angel now)]

I embraced her/him for the last time when she/he woke up then I continued at guarding and protecting her/him everyday of her/his life.

All right sorry for the lame chapter 
But just got the idea with this one 
Sorry it doesn't have smut lol

I wish you enjoyed~ <3 
love ya'll 

I didn't realize it reached 1149 words already.<3

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