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1194 words
You woke up, but you slept really bad. The bed wasn't as nice as when you tried it in the store. But since you had work to do today you decided to not think about it too much and just go further with the day. You made yourself ready. And went grocery shopping.

Your outfit:

You bought all the needed stuff and went back home

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You bought all the needed stuff and went back home. You immediately made yourself breakfast since you were really hungry. You made a toast with eggs and on the side you had a delicious banana smoothie.

After you finished you thought it was a good idea to chat Jacob and Kevin to help you with making the furniture.

(Jacob, Kevin, Y/n)


Yoooo, whats up??

Are you guys free today?
Or actually right now???

Yes, I am. What do you need??

Wellll, I kinda need help with my furniture. So I actually wanted to ask if you guys wanted to come over to help me.....

Hahahhaha, omgggg!!!!

Thats no problem for me. How late do you want us to come?

Niceeee!!! Thanks Jacob!
I dont really know....
Maybe like right now.....?

I'm on my way!!!!

Do you even know where I live?? 😂😂

Oh shit.... i forgot about that

I'm still wondering how many brain cells Kevin has...

Me too, Jacob me too.

I'm in this group chat too you know.

Yeah we know. That's why it's so much fun. But we are getting of track. So youre both coming??

Yep, I'll be there.

Me tooo!!

Okayy, nice!! Thanks soo much!!

Everyone is offline

"Nice!!" You screamed. You suddenly remembered that Sangyeon gave you a phone number aswell. So you thought of dialing the number and ask if he wanted to help you aswell.

"Hi!!" You said as soon as Sangyeon picked up the phone. "Hello, it's Lee Sangyeon, what can I do for you?" He said. You guessed he thought you were a customer calling for help. Which you technically are. "Hi, it's y/n. You know the guy/girl/person from yesterday in the store." You said to him hoping he now whould know who you are. "Aah, yeah y/n. What is it?" He said which made you sure he knew who you are. "Well, i need some help with my furniture. And since you offered your help yesterday i thought i whould call you." You said trying not to make it sound like you were super dumb. "Haha, you already warned me. But yeah, i would love to help." Nice you thought in yourself. "Thank you~~ can you come here now? I'll send you the address!" You said to him. "Okay, you'll see me in ten minutes." He said. "Okay, see you!" You said before you both hung up.

After waiting for 10 minutes all 3 arrived. "Hello!" You said happily to the guys coming in. "Hi!" They all replied you. Well, this is my house. Yesterday I already made my bed. But I need your help for the rest of my furniture." You said while walking towards your bed and you took a seet on it. The guys followed you to your bed so you all said on the bed when it suddenly mad a really loud noise. "Aahhh!" You screamed. Sangyeon came to safe the day and told you that the bed wasn't correctly put together.

Kevin started laughing like crazy, Jacob was looking in front of him with an expression that said: 'Why am I here?' And Sangyeon was taking everything of your bed and you were sitting there with a face that said: 'Oh no, you have got to be kidding me.' All this happend in like 2 seconds.

Your mouth spoke quicker than your brain could think when you said: "What no, I spend 3 hours on making this bed!!!" You screamed which only made worse, because Kevin was now on the floor with tears in his eyes. Jacob also started laughing. And Sangyeon kept repeating "3 hours!" while laughing. So now here you are sitting on a bed with 3 guys lying on the floor from laughing.

The good news is that you now know why you slept so bad. You thought. "Okay, guys I get it I'm really bad with my hands." You said to try and make them stop. It didn't really work how you hoped it to work. But after 7 minutes they finally stopped laughing and started helping you with emptying the bed and taking all the peaces apart from each other.

"I'm already tired." You said while you sighed. "Already, you didn't even do anything." Sangyeon told you. "It's tiring to give you guys all of the tools." You said to him. "Should we take a break?" Jacob suggested. "Good idea, I'm really hungry." You all replied. "Nice, what should we eat?" Jacob asked you. "Hmm, I don't know what do you want to get?" You answered him. "Maybe a salad?" Kevin suggested. "Okay" You all said.

So you bought the salads and waited for them to arrive. While waiting you, or actually they, went further with your bed.

When the salads arrived they were done with your bed which was really nice. You could sleep good tonight. That was sure. "Yesss!!! Food!!" Kevin screamed. "Let's eat!!!" Jacob screamed after Kevin. You talked with them whild you all enjoyed your salads. When you finished them you guys started working on the rest. While they were doing so you went out to buy some cute ornaments for in your appartement.

You walked around the store when a guy came towards you. He had brown/blondish hair and was really good-looking. "Can I help you?" He asked you. "Well, I'm looking for cute ornaments for in my new house." You replied him. "Aha, okay. Then you are at the right place. Let's go." He said. And just like that he helped you looking for ornaments.

"Eh.. thank you.... Hyunjae." You read on the name tag. "No problem. You have a lot. Can you carry everything?" He asked. "Well, I hope." You said. "If you can't, it won't be a problem for me to walk with you to your appartement." He said. "If you want to that would be sooo nice!" You said. "Then should we go? You lead. I don't know where you live." He said in a funny way. "No problem, let's go than." You said while you started walking towards the exit. On the way back home you talked a lot with Hyunjae. He was such a nice guy.


"Hello, I'm back!" You screamed inside the house. "There are more people?" Hyunjae asked. "Yep." You replied him and walked towards the living room. Where the other guys were. Leaving Hyunjae confused behind.


Yessss!! Chapter 3 is finished!! Hope you really enjoyed this chapter and that this makes you want to read the rest of the story!!!! I really appreciate it!! Sorry for all the grammar and spelling mistakes.

-Liv Deobi

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