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Today was the first day of school and you were freaking nervous. Everything will be different. And oh man, hopefully you can follow you teacher when the're speaking Korean. (I wont make them speak Korean in this book.) Korean is such a hard language you know. But you could keep on sitting here. Or you could do something so you wouldn't be late for your first school day.

You quickly got in your clothes. Brushed your teeth and went to eat breakfast.

Your outfit:


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You arrived at school after walking for a short 10 minutes. You're mouth fell open from what you saw. 'Omg thats the same guy as saturday in the restaurant.' You thought to yourself as you saw him walking in front of you to the gate.

'But who were the other two guys walking beside them.' You thought while looking at the three guys. Two of them were holding hands, they must be a couple. Cute. You thought while smiling.

"Y/n!!" Someone yelled from behind. Who the hell yells this hard to make everyone look at him. "Hey Eric." You said to him, who did you expect. Hahha Eric is such a loud person. "Yooo~~" Sunwoo said. He could've been a rapper you thought.

"You nervous?" Eric asked you. "Mmm, a little." You shyly said to them. "I'll take that as a yes." Eric said. "There's nothing to be scared of. Our teachers don't bite." Sunwoo said to you. "What were you looking at? I called your name already three times." Eric said changing the subject. "Ooh, nothing." You said while you looked at the three guys in front of you again. "Ooh, you were looking at them? They're in our class." Sunwoo said. "The guy with blonde hair is Chanhee, they one with brown hair is Changmin and the guy holding Changmin's hand is Hyunjoon. They're a gay couple."

'Ooh, so they guy who's super good-looking was Chanhee. The other guys, Changmin and Hyunjoon, are probably his friends.' You thought. "So, was waking up easy?" Eric asked. "Well, I am here. So yeah, it worked. But it wasn't easy." You said whispering the last part which made both of them laugh. "Let's go to class. It's almost time." Sunwoo said when you were done laughing.

When you arrived at your class the teacher asked you to come to the front so you could introduce yourself to the class. "Class, we have a new student. She's going to introduce herself now. Please be quiet." The teacher said while you walked to the front. "Mm, I'm Y/n. I'm from Canada (omgg I almost typed im from the Netherlands😂) and I moved to South-Korea a week ago." You said to the class. "Thank you. You can sit at the table in front of Soona and Jaein." The teacher said.

You walked towards the table. When you sat down the girls, Soona and Jaein, immediately started talking to you. "Hii, I'm Soona and this is Jaein. Let's be friends!!" Soona said to you. "Okay.." You said. "Yesss!" Jaein and Soona said in unison.

You enjoyed talking with them when the lesson finished and the lunch break started. You looked for Sunwoo and Eric when you saw them. "Guys, there are my friends Sunwoo and Eric. Should we sit with them?" You asked them. "You're friends with Sunwoo?" Soona asked you. "Yeah..?" You said. "Jaein has had a crush on him for almost two years." Soona said to you. "Hmm, what?? You talking about me? I heard my name." Jaein said. "Y/n is friends with Sunwoo." Soona said to Jaein with a smirk. "Yeah.." You said to her.

"Omggg!!!!" Jaein yelled which made Sunwoo and Eric look at you who apparently were already sitting on a table. "Y/n!" Eric yelled. "We are already getting called. So we better hurry." You said with a smirk. "Ooh, i don't know if I'm able to." Jaein said. "Ooh, shut up. You have been talking about him for two years now. Just dont do something dumb." Soona said. "That is easier said than done. You know im the clumsy one from us two." Jaein said.

You walked towards them after you all filled your plates with food. "Hey guys." You said when you heard a scream. You looked behind you and saw Jaein laying on the floor with the plate filled with food beside her. Before you could do anything someone already grapped her arm and pulled her up. "I told you that its never going to work for me to not do something dumb in front of him." She said to the person pulling her up. "Ooh, you like Eric?" The person asked. "What? No, I already told you lots of times before that I like Sun-" Jaein said but she stopped herself when she saw the person holding her arm up.

Sunwoo. He was the person holding her up. "Oh... eh.... I- I'm sorry." Jaein tried saying. "It's okay." Sunwoo said to her to make her less nervous. What obviously didn't work. Because she just talked for the first time in two years with her crush.


Chapter 7!!!! I just finished it in time😂😂😂 al though it's still Saturday for me hahahah. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed it!!! I did enjoy writing this chapter. (Ooh, btw that Changmin and Hyunjoon are a gay couple doesn't mean I see them as a gay.) Soooo yeahhh next Tuesday chapter 8!!!! Byeeeee


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