^Chapter 2^

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A/N: Hii, please star and don't forget to add Contract to your libraries... thank youu                 please enjoy 🥺


"L-Llets just be f- friends" You sputtered out, thumping your chest with your fist.

Yeonjun watched you cough and put a hand on your shoulder, he rubbed it. Your insides are gone. They don't exist anymore.

"Are you okay?"

"NOOO!!!" You roared, moving as far away from his touch as possible.

He looked hurt for a second, so you smiled sheepishly and rubbed your arm.

"Oh sorry... I'm really sore... I was kicked for 11 hours."

Now Yeonjun looked deeply concerned and somewhat... mad?

"Oh! Oh no, I wasn't beaten up or anything like that. On the- There was a kid kicking my seat on the plane."

You awkwardly stand between the tall confused boy and the table. why isn't he saying anything....

Yeonjun continued to stare at you while your eyes darted around the terminal, not wanting to make eye contact. Your face blanked when you realized for your entire Korean life, most of your "culture" had come from KDramas, and you were entirely unsure of what to do in this moment. You opened your mouth to say something, but by the grace of Park Chae-Young, you were prevented form embarrassing yourself further.

"Ya! Are you guys coming or not? I found a Fried Chicken place by the Incheon gate."

Fried Chicken...

You and Yeonjun momentarily idled before rushing to the location Chae-Young was gesturing to. Since it was around 2 am, there was no line and no tables taken. The three of you snatched the remaining fried chicken baskets in the heated fridge and sat at the nearest table. You ripped open the basket and shoved a piece in your mouth only to spit it back out.

"Shit! Ow..ow."

You looked at Yeonjun and Chae-Young sheepishly.

"It's a little hot."

They exchange looks and laugh before opening their own baskets.

You decide to start up a conversation with these new people.

"So... do you mind me asking how old you guys are?"

Yeonjun shook his head and answered, "I'm 17, but I have an early birthday so I'll be 18 soon."

"I'm 19." Chae-Young stated matter-of-factly.

You blushed, they were a good 3 years older than you.

"I'm almost 16, but I guess since Korea is one year ahead... I'm almost 17?"

They nodded. Yeonjun stood up and offered to go get chopsticks and sauces.

You looked up at Chae-Young, who was on her phone.

"Hey Unnie... Are you and Yeonjun dating?"

Chae-Young looked at you slowly before smiling widely and giggling.

"Ha ha, no no. We're just friends from the dance team at TXT."

She waved her hand as if to slap your question away, then smiled bashfully.

"He's not my type anyways..." She looked like she might go on further, but Yeonjun appeared next to her.

He smirked, "You have a type? Psh... don't talk nonsense."

Chae-young stabbed his arm with the chopsticks he handed her, Yeonjun winced.

"Ya! Is that how you talk to your Noona?! Aish... It's like you want me to kill you."

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