Chapter Six

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"Chloe, oh my god, you didn't." I looked over at her in awe as we pulled up to the drive-in movie theatre. It was about 7:00 at night right now.

"I may have splurged a little for our first actual date," she blushed and looked away from me while pulling a debbie ryan.

"You didn't have to do all of this for me. It's too much, how am I gonna top this?" I asked as I admired the huge drive in.

"I wanted to. I really wanted to show you how much I appreciate you. If I hadn't found you, I wouldn't be as happy as I am now. I know it's only been a couple days, but with you it feels like longer than that. I feel like I've known you my whole life, Alex." She looked up at me and gave me a warm smile. I grabbed her hands in mine.

"Thank you. I appreciate you so much too. You make me so happy and I'm so glad I met you. I feel the same way, like I've known you my whole life too." I cupped her face and kissed her softly. It would've lasted longer, but someone knocked on the driver's side window.

Chloe rolled it down to speak to a man in a neon yellow vest, "Hi, sorry. Let me pull up my receipt." She searched through her purse for her phone and pulled up the receipt for our ticket and showed it to the man. He gave Chloe directions on where to go and park, and we got our popcorn and two sodas that came with our admission. Chloe and I both chose Coke for the drinks. She even snuck in a thing of Oreos that she hid in the backseat.

"Hey, what're we seeing?" I asked her.

"Oh right! I totally forgot to tell you," she laughed, "It's the Fault in Our Stars."

"Aww, that one's morbidly romantic." I exclaimed.

"Yeah, I thought it would be cute." She blushed.

"You're cute," I told her, only making her blush worse.

"Shut up." She pushed me a little bit and I laughed.

Since we were 30 minutes early, we got to be pretty close to the front, about three rows back from the enormous screen. We were directed to back in somewhere off to the far right so we didn't block anyone else's view. Chloe had a cover over the bed of her truck that she stored a bunch of pillows and blankets in. She even had a foam mattress pad. This was going to be unforgettable.

Once Chloe had finished backing into our designated spot, we both got out to undo the cover on the bed. Then we got to work setting up all of the pillows and blankets on the mattress, which covered the entire truck bed. Chloe had the idea of setting up some of the blankets as a fort since she'd brought so many. We turned the blanket longways and shut the corners in the two back windows so that it covered the sides of the bed. She apparently also had camera stands in the bed of her truck so we used those to prop up the other end and make a fort. I didn't even know she was a photographer.

"You take pictures?" I asked her after seeing the stands.

"Oh, yeah. I like to take them in my free time. It really relaxes me, it's my favorite hobby besides drawing," she explained.

"That's so cool and interesting. What do you take pictures of?" I continued.

"Thank you! I mostly photograph scenery or animals. I've taken pictures of people before too, but I usually need a muse."

"That's amazing. You should show them to me sometime," I smiled enthusiastically.

"Of course I will. They're in my room. You know, maybe I could even take your picture sometime," She suggested.

"Really? I don't know if I'd be the best muse, but if you want to, then sure."

"Oh I want to."

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