1. Hunger

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So this is my first SnK fanfic and i've been reading alot (around 50). So i finale decided to try to make my own so here it is.

I'm so hungry. Technically I've always been hungry. Hungry for love, hungry for acknowledgement, and especially for my family, but right now the hunger I'm feeling is so persistent that I would kill to satisfy a bit of it.

My hunger for food.  

God, they haven't brought me food in a month. It feels like my stomach has started to devour itself.

At this moment I started to bang my head on the hard stone wall.  

That's it; I'm going to die of starvation. I have so many regrets, like not brushing my hair or teeth. If I’m going to die, I would at least like to die in style. Who knows, maybe after death you can look any way you want.

“Eren, stop hitting your head, the sound is giving me a headache.”

“But I’m so~ hungry.” I whine back “I need food. Do have any leftovers, ‘cause I will eat it” My stomach growls at the mention of food.

“You didn't get food, what makes you think that I have?” I hung my head.

“Well you're their favorite and they wouldn't want to starve their star pupil.” Annie just grunts at this and returns back to staring at the metal bars that confine us, as if glaring hard enough would melt them.

I can't understand how she can be so intimidating. Even some of the men are afraid to test on her, not wanting her infamous death glare to be upon them.

I stare at Annie, trying to decipher how she can look so tough. Her blonde hair, tightly pulled in a messy bun with most of it covering her face, mixed well with her somewhat Russian looks and gave off a frightening aura but her height did contradict with the rest of her a bit. Her less than average height made it hard for me to take her seriously when I first met her. That was until she flipped me on my back and punched me in the gut after I called her a midget.

Note to self: Never anger a short person who has been trained for years in martial arts, even if they’re nine.

“Well if you won’t give me food, can you at least talk to me? I’m bored and have nothing to do.” I pleaded. She doesn't even respond to me. Typical Annie. One minute she’s scolding you for being loud, the next she acts like you don't exist. But that’s how she was brought up; don't speak unless spoken to or unless something’s annoying the heck out of you, the something being me. That’s why we get along so well, I dislike useless talk unless I'm bored, which I usually am, and she dislikes talking about useless things. Even though Bertholdt and Reiner have been with Annie all her life and I only met them six years ago,  I'm the closest to her. That being said Bertholdt and Reiner are like two peas in a pod. You never see them separated and they’re always talking to each other, the main reason being that Bertholdt always breaks into a sweat when he tries to talk to anyone else. Right now I can see the two, Bertholdt dark hair just resting on Reiner’s chest. It looked a bit weird due to Bertholdt being excessively tall which made him even taller than Reiner but Reiner’s large size evened it out with him.

They look so peaceful, like they have no worries. I sigh, thinking about the days when I used to be like that.


“Mom, push me higher!”

“Ok, my sweet Eren,” mom cooed as she put more force behind her shoves and soon enough I was high in the air, enjoying the flow of the wind on my face. It made me feel like a bird in the air, soaring through the sky with my wings. Oh, how I felt free from the world's troubles, from all the hate directed towards me. Nothing could ruin this moment.

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