1: Two worlds

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Today , I am very happy . I have Alway dream of making my parents proud of me and today is one of day from that . I already finished my high school , yes! I become a college student now . I am so happy . But little bit sad too because school days are golden days for everyone na~ from school I got so many memories which I always be remembered till old age.

Right now I am getting ready for my new life , new memories and new day and new surprises . I wear a white shirt and black pants and black tie belt it's my college uniform . Ohh...I am looking too handsome I thought while at mirror . I wear my black shoes and take from bag from bed and run out from my room to kitchen .

My mom is cooking a breakfast . " Good morning mae~" I greet my mother . She turn and gives a big smile to me . " Good morning ... Ta~" my mom greet back . She look at me from head to toe and grin ... "Wow .. my bady ta ... Looking so handsome . "
She commented on me . I run to her and back hug her . She is little bit shorter than me . I put my chin on her shoulder . " Whose son I am? ... Off course I am handsome "

My mom laugh and Pat my head . " Okay krub ... Go and sit ... Let me serve the food " she said . I goes to dinner table I put my bag on my side chair . " So are you happy ... You finally got an admission in your favorite college and now you are going ... And first day of your college " my mom asked me .

" I am soo happy Mae. " I said while taking a spoon full rice in my mouth . My mom nodded . " Ta~ remember don't get involved in another matters . Stay away from the bad person .. okay.. and remember your father work so hard for you . You have to make him a proud on you . Infact ,were are proud of you . And now you have to work and study more hard from now on . Okay naa~ ta. " My mom sincerely said to me .

I know my mother and father both work so hard for me ,for my study . And now it's my turn to return it , and I am going to do it . My father is employee in company . And my mother work as nurse in hospital . We are middle class family . And in Asian countries you can imagine how much pressure does have on children to make their parents dream come true . And support the family specially on boys . And I am only son of my parents . So much pressure it's was on me you can imagine . But I don't think it ..as pressure but it a responsibility of children to take care of their parents . Right!

After eating a Breakfast I said good bye to mom and take my bicycle to ride the college . Yes! Bicycle . Not because my father doesn't have money or they can't afford . They can afford a bike for me but I don't want it . I like this bicycle so much it was my first biggest gift from my dad. And I love this from my heart . I was using this from last 3 year . I was 18 year old .

I was in faculty of medical . A medical student . I got the admission in most famous college . Cheeviat university . ( A/n : imaginary university name)
I am soo happy right now . I finally achieve my dream . My first goal of my life .

My college was 20 mintues away from my home . I can see the big building of my university from here. I am at some distance from my college . My heart beat was increasing with passing minutes . My new life was going to start from here. Every thing is going to be changed . A beautiful change ......

I enter in my university . It is huge . A big building and large garden with so many trees surrounded. There were so students sitting in garden or playing in ground. Some are chatting and taking selfies . Some students are doing there works .

I decided to look for parking place for my cycle . I searched for secluded area for parking cycles. Luckiy there are boards sign to help.

I am turning my cycle to the side where is parking . Yeah.. there it is----what the hell ?.

Too bad , Too good  Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora