Ch 31: Recovery

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3 weeks after leaving hospital


It was early morning and I was watching my "mate" sleep.

It was a damn struggle to get her to come live with me. She didn't want to talk to me; she didn't want to see me and she damn sure didn't want to live with me. And that hurt more than I thought it would because she was essentially a stranger to me. It was the powerful mate bond that was pulling me to her.

But, it was something else too. It's like I knew her, but I didn't remember her. I knew that she was important to me despite the bond. I knew that I was completely in love with her, but I couldn't remember, for the life of me, how we fell in love.

I watched her sleep in the bed of my guest room. She refused to share a bed with me and it irked me to no end. I missed her touch even though I couldn't really remember how it felt. It was like in spite of my faulty memory, I knew her. Or maybe it was my wolf.

He knew something I didn't, but he wouldn't tell me. And it was frustrating because while he held all the winning cards, I was holding a losing hand. I would have to ask my father about it. He was the only one who I trusted to not pacify me.

My mother and sister treated me with kid gloves and although I loved them, I hated that. It was funny too because I was their strong and fearless leader and here was my mom telling me to take a break every two minutes if I felt "flustered" over some pack files or documents. I ran multi billion dollar company.

Although I was Alpha and I fit perfectly into my role, my sister kept teasing me about how I didn't want to be Alpha. I remembered that much because I've been denying my title since I was 16. It's like only the last year of my life is missing. Or at least that's what the doctors explained to me as short term memory loss.

They also explained to me that I could regain it back; it just depended on my mental state. I could regain my memory back in two weeks or 6 months...Or never. And that's what scared me the most: knowing that I could forget Nyla. That thought alone had me clutching my chest.

I stood from the chair next to my mate's bed with determination. I looked down at my beautiful mystery angel sleeping with her hair wild all over the place. She must've slept worse than I did. I finally focused on her protruding belly.

God! My mate was 6 months pregnant with my child and I couldn't remember how he was conceived. I looked down at her full, plump lips. My pants instantly constricted around my erection and I had to shift around to get comfortable. I swallowed. This was going to be hell, but I was determined to get reacquainted with my mate.

I planned on making her breakfast in bed and then taking her out for a walk on the beach later. Something easy and stress free for, well our first date. Or was it our second "first date?" Whatever it was, I couldn't wait to start. The faster I remembered her the faster I could get back to what our life used to be.

Did I want to get back to an old life? I mean we couldn't have been too close as mates if she wouldn't even stay in the same room with me. I leaned down to graze the back of my hand against her shoulder. Her skin was soft. She felt amazing.

I felt the sparks and tingles travel up my fingers, ignite in the palm of my hand and then travel the length of my arm until it dispersed at my shoulder. Wow. All that from one touch. I wonder how it felt to kiss her?

I looked at her full, capable lips again. Had she kissed me all over with that beautiful mouth of hers? Stop being a creep, man! I yelled to myself. I ran my hands through my hair. Okay. Time to put my plan into action.

Business Man First, Alpha Last Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon