Dirty Little Secret ~ Teen!Sam Winchester Imagine Part 1

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You were sitting in your English class, listening to the teacher drone on and on about what S.E. Hinton meant through her story of 'The Outsiders', you could relate to the story very well though. As a werewolf you had the hunters constantly trying to kill you or your family, kind of like how the Soc were always out to pick fights with the Greasers. You were wondering what it would be like not to be the freak as everyone liked to call you ever since you dislocated that girls shoulder, but it wasn't your fault. She had pissed you off near the full moon. It was then the door opened and you looked up to see a boy come in the class. You raised an eyebrow, there was hardly ever any new kids around here.

"Class, this is Sam Winchester. He'll be joining our class this year." Mr. Wyatt introduced. You stiffened. Winchester, you knew that name. They were hunters, if you remembered correctly. Your father helped John Winchester to stop the attacks from a rogue werewolf and John had said if he ever crossed paths with our family again he'd kill us. You then frowned. There had been no attacks that you knew of, and you knew a lot. So why were they here? The hunter walked down the aisle, passing me before taking a seat beside Barry who sat behind you. Something hit the chair and you turned around and glared as the hunter quickly put away what you identified as a butterfly knife.

"Whoa is that yours?" You heard Barry ask in awe and you chuckled quietly. The hunter must have nodded. because Barry spoke again. "Awesome."

"Alright gang, essay assignment." Mr. Wyatt told us. You snickered as the rest of the class groaned.

"Yeah, yeah, my heart breaks for you." He said as he continued to explain the essay.

"Hey... I'm Barry." You heard Barry whisper to the hunter.

"Sam.." He replied.

"Okay, now I want three pages of your most memorable family experience. Just a reminder though this is gonna be worth half of your final grade..." Mr. Wyatt said as you started to ignore him when you heard something hit flesh. You tensed knowing it was Dirk being a dick to Barry.

"Leave him alone." You heard the hunter say which made you turn around in surprise to look at him, you were Barry's only friend.

"Shh, I'm going for a record." Dirk said which made you scowl, you went to speak up but the hunter beat you to it.

"I said, leave him alone." He said.

"You want to take his place... Midget?" Dirk asked.

"Yeah, sure." The hunter replied. Dirk went to turn back to flicking Barry's ear.

"Don't be a dick, Dirk. Or I'll have to teach you a lesson" You snarled. It pissed you off when people picked on Barry. Your snarl wasn't as quiet as you thought because everyone including Mr. Wyatt turned to you in shock. You never swore in class.

"Miss. (l/n), I'm going to have to send you to the principles office." Mr. Wyatt told you. You shrugged.

"Alright." You said packing up your stuff and strutting out of the classroom.

It was now the end of the day, all of your work had been sent to the principles office and you had to stay there the whole day. You were walking to the parking lot to meet up with your sister when you saw a group of people crowding around Dirk and the hunter. You walked over to the group, standing just behind everyone. You saw Dirk push down the hunter as Barry ran to get the bus.

"What's the matter? You scared? Don't worry, I'll go easy on you this time. Come on Lose-Chester. Let's see what you got. Come on freak. Freak!" Dirk mocked. You scowled. The hunter got up and started throwing punches, getting in good hits while Dirk flailed around trying and failing to hit the hunter. The hunter knocked down Dirk and you walked over at this point.

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