Scars - Crowley Imagine

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You were a hunter. You had been mauled by hellhounds, cursed by witches, almost eaten by a wendigo and been stalked by a ghost. You had many scars, you'd even been to heaven, hell and purgatory yet for some reason your ass was alway dragged back to earth. Not that you minded, you weren't quite ready to die. Not yet, you still had things you wanted to do before you were dead, well permanantly dead. You had been torn open and you sewed yourself shut, sure you hated having to sew yourself up almost everyday but you owed them. Them being your best friends, you had stupidly agreed to go to a haunted house with them and a few others, not realizing it was actually haunted. Then it all started, this apparition appeared at first a little girl who looked to be from the victorian times appeared before all of you, she looked horrible, dried blood covered the dress she was wearing. 

"You have ten hours." Were the words that came out of the little girls mouth. Your friends looked horrified. You all ran and tried to get out but the doors were sealed shut. You heard a dull thud and you turned around to see one of the boys that had came with your best friend Diesel lying on the floor blood covering him the same way it covered the little girl and the little girl's voice echoed in your mind.

"Do you think she meant every hour one of us is going to die?" Your other best friend Ava spoke up.

"Oh god, I hope not." You replied. Every hour after that someone dropped dead, they died a different way each time and eventually there was only two hours left as you were notified by the little girl who appeared every hour telling you all how many hours you had left and soon after someone would die. You looked at your best friends. You, Diesel and Ava were thee only ones left. You had been attacked when you tried to stop the spirit from attacking someone, you now had a deep cut across your cheek. That happened when around the seventh person died. 

"(Y/n)?" Diesel said speaking up for the first time since his girlfriend died. 

"Yeah Diesel?" You asked softly.

"I don't want to die." He whimpered. He was scared and with good reason. You smiled sadly at him.

"I get the feeling only the strongest will walk out of here alive Diesel, which means you or Ava." You told him but to be honest in your opinion none of them would be the ones to walk out alive because they had been breaking down every few minutes after they found the dead bodies of their partners. 

Two hours later had you walking out of that house alone. Once you got outside two men, one tall and one short rushed over to you. "Are you all right? My name's Sam, this is my brother Dean, we're here to help." The tall one -Sam- rushed out.

"Where were you ten hours ago? You're a bit late, I just watched all my friends die in there and it wasn't until the last two hours I had to watch my best friends die." You asked rudely. 

"How many people were in there?" The short one -Dean- asked.

"Eleven, only one got out. Me." You stated emotionlessly.

That was how you met the Winchester brothers, after that you hunted with them on and off but every year you would go and visit the house your best friends died in and grieve just that tiny bit. Maybe if you had the knowledge you have now they would have survived. Right now you were in a motel room tracing your scars before you frowned in disgust. The scars marred your body and you hated it. "I'm damaged goods." You muttered to yourself.

"Hello Darling." You heard a familiar voice purr from behind you. You jumped and pulled out your angel blade -courtesy of Baltazar- You glared at Crowley who was leaning against the wall of the motel room while sipping a scotch.

"What do you want Crowley?" You snarled. He looked at you boredly.

"Put that down before you hurt yourself, Darling." He scolded almost mockingly. You rolled your eyes and tucked the angel blade into your jacket. It was habit to keep it on you at all times. 

"Happy?" You asked snippishly. Crowley smirked.

"Very." He replied and you slumped on to your bed with a sigh. 

"What do you want Crowley?" You asked.

"I do believe you owe me. So I've come to collect." Crowley told you. You knew this day would come, Crowley was the one who dragged you out of hell -twice- making sure that he'd get something out of doing it. This was the first time he had came to see you about it. 

"Well?" You asked impatiently. He smirked.

"I have a demon that I need tortured, I get the feeling he's on Abbadon's side. I want you, to get that information. You are after all very skilled in working your way to the truth." Crowley explained in a drawl. You sighed, you knew it would happen eventually, being dragged back into torturing people, even if it was a demon it still didn't change the fact.

"Alright." You agreed quickly.

"And here I thought you'd be as stubborn as Squirrell and not want to torture someone." Crowley told you.

"Difference between me and Deano, Crowley. Is that I have the balls to do the things he never would." You muttered. "Shall we go?" You asked. Crowley smirked and gripped your arm. Suddenly you were in hell and there was a demon tied up in the torture chamber. 

"Here you go Darling." Crowley said snapping his fingers making a cart of torture instruments appear. You smirked as you saw the syringe. You knew just what you were going to do. You put some salt into the holy water and filled up the syringe with it before injecting it into the demon. He cried out in pain.

"Oh hun, I'm just getting started." You told him. After hours of listening to the demon scream from your torture he finally told you that he was in fact on Abbadon's side but he didn't know much other than that she was after Crowley's place as King of Hell, she wanted to be a Queen without a King. You informed Crowley of this and he smirked happily. 

"Thank you Darling, I'll be in touch." He replied zapping you back to your room. It was a few days later when you saw Crowley again. 

"Hey Crowley." You muttered as you finished sewing up your shoulder. A werewolf had clawed it up pretty bad.

"Looks bad, Darling." Crowley stated. 

"Yeah, well not like it makes a difference. Just one more scar to this package of damaged goods." You muttered. "Scotch?" You offered as you poured yourself a glass.

"No." He stated simply. You shrugged. 

"Your loss. What do you want Crowley?" You asked as you took a drink. 

"I have a proposition to make." He stated.

"Yes?" You asked.

"Help me, rule Hell. Be my Queen or advisor whichever you prefer and I'll make sure you'll have protection of the demons." He proposed. You looked at him before walking over to him and checking for a temperature.

"Are you ill?" You asked. He scowled.

"No I'm being serious but I need eyes and ears, up here and I don't trust my demons." Crowley explained. You shrugged. 

"Why would you want damaged goods, I'm useless and covered in scars. Why would you want me to be your Queen?" You asked. 

"Because (y/n), you have something I need." He said.

"Which is?" You asked.

"My heart." He said with a cheeky smirk.

"Was this your way of proclaiming your love to me?" You asked. Crowley was now very close to you and in your personal space.

"Maybe, love. It all depends." He said to you.

"On what?" You asked.

"On you Darling, all depends on you." He said simply. You smirked.

"Well I'll take that as a yes then." You said cockily.

"Perfect." He said pulling you into a kiss. Maybe having scars weren't so bad, especially if you had the King of Hell by your side. Looks like you'd just have to wait and see.

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