Chapter 2-Little Over The Edge

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Levi,Hanji and I went out to lunch once the bell rang.Of course Levi and i walked hand in hand to our table,The others waited at the table for us three,our group contained Erwin,Hanji,Levi,Petra,Oluo,Gunther,Eld,Mika and I.I sat next to levi like always,petra gave me a death stare for dating levi because she had a crush on him too,all i did was smile sweetly to the all as i said hello,levi gave me a kiss on the cheek for the one i gave him in class,I smiled and giggled at him. “You pair are perfect together”Erwin said, “So have you two kissed properly yet?”Hanji asked still slightly fangirling over what i told her this morning, “Hanji i told you to keep your mouth shut since i told you”I complained blushing as i stood up,levi put his hand on my shoulder “We can get her back later”Levi smirk,I sighed as i sat back down “You right but why know?”I questioned, “So yous have?”Oluo questioned, I looked at levi and he nodded as i blushed slightly.


Hanji squealed and jumped up and down, “Oi,shitty glasses, calm the fuck down”Levi said coldly, “Oh about i deal with her?”I questioned,Levi shook his head, “Aww that’s no fun and i want payback”I said, “Hey eyebrows calm,Shitty glasses down for us before she explodes on us”I said.Levi laughed quietly,i looked at levi “What? Did i say something wrong?”I questioned his little laugh, “It’s just what you said,though why eyebrows for a nickname?”Levi asked, “Yes!”I exclaimed a little too loud,everyone looked at me as i put my hand over my mouth “Opps”I mutter it was muffled because of my hand.Levi stood up “We should be going”He said,I nodded and stood up too.Together we went to our next class.


~Time skip brought to you by Levi’s cleaning supplies XD~

You were walking out of class when you bumped into a boy it was the someone from earlier the brown haired and teal-green eyed boy “Oh i’m so sorry”i said helping him pick his stuff up, “It’s ok i wasn’t watching where i was going i should be the one saying sorry”The boy said “Oh i’m Eren Jaeger”He said with a smile, “I’m F/n L/n”I said standing up and handing him his stuff i smiled and walked off to find levi. ‘I hope he hasn’t left yet’ I thought as i walked to the front,i felt someone grab my wrist and pulled me back to them.I froze where i was as the person held me still,with one hand over my mouth so i couldn’t scream.”If you don’t scream i will move my hand”A voice said,I nodded as they let go,though i still couldn’t move or look back to see who it was.


I was suddenly push to the wall,the persons hands held my writes as we stood there,i didn’t have the guts to say anything till i was the teal-green eyes from before “E-eren?”I stuttered kind of frightened,”Mhm,well you remember”He muttered, “Let me go”I said trying to break free from his grip, “Why should i?”Eren questioned, “Because i have a boyfriend and i need to meet up with him”I explain, “Well what happens if you didn’t show up?”Eren asked, “He would look for me stupid and if your not going to let me i’m just going to have to make you aren’t i now?”I questioned, “How are you going to do that?”Eren asked, “Watch and see”I said sweeping his feet out from under him,I grabbed my stuff and ran off to find levi ‘Where the hell is he when i need him?’I thought to myself.I ran into someone without realizing,I looked at the person to see it was levi “Levi,I’m glad to see you”I said hugging him, “Why’s that?”Levi asked, “Well i bumped into the new kid and well he for some reason pinned me against the wall….So i use the little trick you taught me…”I explain “Well can we go now please?”I asked letting him go,Levi nodded and grabbed my hand.

We started to walk to my place to find someone unexpected….Hanji,she jumped to her feet and hugged me “What are you doing here?”I asked, “Well i came to give you your pencil…..”Hanji said, “Ok please don’t say and more”I said annoyed with her already, “Why is he with you?”Hanji asked, “Because i was-”I stopped to think for a second “Never mind just leave hanji your so annoying”I murmured. “Fine”Hanji said walking off to her place,I walked up to the door and unlocked it, “Do you want a drink or anything before you leave?”I asked levi, “No i guess i will be going then.”Levi said, “Ok,i will see you tomorrow”i said giving him a hug and a kiss before going inside and locking the door behind me.

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