Chapter 2

33 3 6

Keys: Y/N - Your Name
N/N - Nickname
O/S - Old State
F/D - Favorite Drink

A/N: Holy shit i am so sorry for not updating this sooner, school really kicked me ass but i'm back for a bit


Y/N's P.O.V.

Staying in the office was boring. At least I didn't have to socialize, which was good. I mostly was on my phone or listening to music, and I accidentally dozed off once, towards the end of the day. I fell asleep listening to music, probably because of how tired I was, before I was shaken awake. "Y/N? It's almost time to leave, let's go," Mx. Frost told me, before packing their stuff up. I looked around, and sure enough, nearly half of the counselors had left, or were packing their stuff up. Getting up, I stretched and put my backpack on my back, before opening the door leading into the main hall. 'Jesus Christ! Are they really that excited to leave? I hope they do realize that they'll have to come back tomorrow,' I thought as I stepped into the hall, being forced into a frenzy of high school students. Pushing and shoving was apparently normal, since the counselors who were working late didn't step out of the office to tell them to stop. 'Huh. Weird.' I felt someone elbow the back of my head, and I turned to see who it was. "Shit!" I hissed, touching my head, and rubbing it. "Damn, that hurt," I muttered once I got out of the school and looked at the sky.

As October was closing out, the days were getting shorter, so I wasn't surprised to feel the breezy wind. I started my walk home, knowing that today, my dad wouldn't pick me up because he would be still out looking for a job, at least until maybe six. 'Twenty minutes of walking won't be difficult,' I thought. At least, until I felt someone wrap their arm around my shoulder. My eyes widened, and I punched the person, before I heard a familiar voice. "Ah shit! What'dya do that for?!" Jaren groaned, bent over and holding his stomach. "Oh my god! I'm so sorry, Jaren!" Meanwhile, Joe was behind me, laughing his ass off. "Holy shit, dude, that was hilarious!" He cackled, grabbing onto my shoulder for support. "Are you okay? I didn't mean to punch you, it was out of reflex!" I explained, and he waved it off, still hunched over. "Nah, it's... totally fine!" He wheezed, trying to stand up. I helped him, and soon enough, he was back to standing up straight. "Again, I'm really sorry." "Didn't I tell ya it was fine? Now come on, let's go. One of my... um.. other friends.. is staring at us," Jaren  warned, grabbing my hand and hurrying me and Joe out of the school's gazebo. Once we were certain that the school was far behind us, Joe tried starting up a conversation. 

"So, N/N, where'd you move in from?"

"Ah, from O/S."

A few moments later, "Do you wanna open up on how it was there?"


Jaren laid his head on my shoulder, pleading. "Aw, come on! It'll be interesting! Plus, we can tell you some stuff about Akron and our school!" I sighed, and agreed reluctantly. "Well, what do you wanna know?" "Anything, really. As long as we can understand you a bit more," Joe shrugged, fishing out some money from his pocket. "Oh! D'you wanna stop at the nearby dollar store while we're passing by here?" I thought for a moment, before nodding. "Sure. It's not like I have any plans later tonight." This made Jaren frown, and he replied, "Well, if you don't have any plans, we should hang out! Also, that's kinda sad, did you not make any other friends today?" I shook my head, "It's not sad, it's just that I'm shy. Not like an, 'UwU I'm shy and I cry easily!' type of girl, but I'm just.. awkward." The 'UwU girl' part made the two chuckle, and Joe nodded. "Honestly, that's understandable. I didn't even talk to anyone on the first day, when I moved away from North Carolina. Not until this loser over here decided to scream in my ear while I was washing my hands in the bathroom, of course," Joe snorted whilst pointing to Jaren.

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