Laying with burdens

203 38 13

Inside a box, I lay with burdens
Six feet underground, I died so sudden
Skin is cold, Heart is frozen
In the world of living, I’m already forgotten

My decaying body was surrounded by complete darkness
My heart felt nothing but infinite sadness
Filthy ground, rotten smell, worm of many pieces

I can’t move, I can’t breathe, and I’m totally lifeless
I’m a victim of life, the most beautiful lie
People grow, wither, and soon, will die

But now it’s too late for me to realize
Cause I’m already buried with no one to cry
I thirst for love and crave for care
I thought I would find it there or somewhere

So in the darkness, I traveled and wandered
But I end up like this, broken and shattered
And maybe like me, my grave is lonely

Alone, forgotten, clouded with misery
Isolated from love and care of somebody
Fated to suffer from the pain of eternity

Inside a box, I lay with burdens
Six feet underground, I died so sudden
Heart is torn, soul is broken
Lifeless indeed and already forgotten


This piece was published in our school publication's Folio. This is the raw and unedited version.

Rebel ☠️

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