Part 1

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"Hey Max, how are you doing today?" He says to me with a smug grin on his face, "Fuck off Liam, you know i hate you." He stood in front of me then said "I hate you more, dumbass." I push past him and he stands there grinning at me.

(Allow me to give you the backstory of Max and Liam, Max is a girl who has hated liam since middle school. They were never close but in middle school Max was going out with one of the popular boys and she fell in love with him and Liam was a horrible person and spread a rumor that she kissed 2 guys during gym class. That made the boy break her heart and when she confronted Liam about it he told her he did it for fun and so she dated his best friend turned him against Liam and then broke his heart. So they came to hate eachother after that.)

She enters the classroom and sits in the front and then Liam and his friends come in and sit in the back. Then the teacher starts teaching and then she says "Well class we are doing a project, a social project. I will be pairing you with people you don't regularly talk to and your communication will determine weather or not you can get the project done. You will choose a topic and i want a smmary on it and a model of it. This project will go on for 2 months time and then you will present it at the end of the term."

The teacher started pairing people up and then she said "Max your with Liam." Max shot up out of her seat and said "Are you sure you didn't read that wrong?" "No, my list here says Max is paired with Liam." Max got up and walked over to the teacher and said "You sure there's not anybody else, or perhaps i can do the project alone." The teacher looked Max in the eye and said "No, all pairs are final and if you do it all separate from him i will fail you for not following instructions. Now go sit down."

Max went back to her seat and the teacher said "Everyone please take a seat next to your partner, these will now be your assigned seats for the rest of the term. You and your partner will be spending a lot of time together so get to know them, it will make working together less difficult." Liam got out of his seat and took the one next to Max, she looked at him with hatred in her eyes and said "Since we have to work together on this, all hatred aside I can't fail. So when are you free?" He smirked then said "It almost aounds like your asking me out."

She looked at him with disgust then thought to herself *I wanna punch him right in that smug face, what a bastard.* They exchanged numbers then when she was walking out of the classroom he grabbed her arm and said "Come to my house tomorrow after school, I'll text y-" she snatched her arm back and said "Whatever." They left the classroom and after 3rd period was lunch, Max got in the lunch line got her food and as she was walking out of the line one of Liams friends followed her to her table and sat down in front lf her.

She glared at Liam from across the room and then looked the guy in the eye and said "What do you want?" "Nothing, i just wanted an up close look at you. I mean your not really ugly so why does he even bother you?" She was annoyed and said with an attitude "Listen, leave the table and ask Liam. Oh yeah and also Fuck off." He looked surprised then said "You've got a hell of a mouth for a girl. Now i see why he bothers you. Its amusing because you already have an insult or comeback ready. Interesting."

She looked to her side and saw Liam coming her way, he sat next to the guy and said "Why aren't you sitting with us?, why are you sitting with her." He said glaring at her, then the guy responded "Well i was trying to figure out why u bother with her if your not trying to fuck her." She looked at them both with disgust then grabbed her tray threw it away and moved her seat to the other side of the cafeteria. Then the guy said to Liam "You are trynna smash, aren't you?"

"No I'm not, me and her just share a common sense of hatred for eachother. And thats all." Then after school Max was walking home and she was approached by a boy. He stood in front of her and said "Hi, i'm-" She cut him off and said "Ummm, i think the fuck not. You just walk over to just anyone and start talking to them. Walk away now."

She walked aside him and took out her phone. She got a call, she answered it and said "What the fuck do you want?" "Why are you being so mean? I cant just call my girlfriend whenever i want?" "Firstly, i told you not to call me your girlfriend. And secondly, No, don't call me. You are not allowed to." "You say that now Max. But when you wanna fuck you call m-" She cut him off and said "I'm hanging up now." She hung up the phone and continued walking.

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