━ horror movies marathons

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- the ducks decided to binge a scary movie marathon

- which was the bash brother's idea, obviously

- the others said, 'why the hell not?'

- right when the first movie starts, averman's already planning out what's gonna happen

- russ and julie make a bet on who's gonna get scared first

- guy makes a move on connie to hold his hand so she wouldn't get scared

- connie of course, takes his hand

- guy ends up getting scared and connie is just enjoying the snacks

- kenny and luis sit together, tensing up and waiting for a jump scare

- adam and charlie are in the corner, fighting over the popcorn

- goldberg comes from behind and scares the two

- adam and charlie spill the popcorn all over the room

- everyone's complaining 

- just when the ducks stopped looking at the tv there was a jump scare

- the ducks all get scared as hell

- nobody could get sleep

- not even the bash bros

- russ and julie were fighting over who yelled and got scared first

- jesse tells them it was a tie

- everyone is looking for dwayne 

- averman starts screaming that whatever happened in the scary movie is happening to them

- connie and guy are trying to calm everyone down

- julie finds dwayne, who is sleeping peacefully on the couch

- everyone questions how dwayne isn't scared as hell like the rest of them

- everyone decided to watch fresh prince of bel air and leaves on all the lights until they fall alseep

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