part 10 ♥︎

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after i got the text i quickly grabbed my stuff and left the house. "bye mom!" "bye honey have fun!"

as i walked out the door i had a huge smiled spread across my face. nick got out of his car to open the door for me. i thanked him and got in. he gave me control of music so i played Classic by MKTO. nick knew all the words.

we finally arrived at the cornmaze, it looked super scary. i could hear groups of people screaming. i looked up at nick with a "😳" face. "dude you're fiiiine. this is gonna be so fun!" "ok whatever you say weather boy." you sarcastically rolled your eyes. nick scoffed then started laughing.

"two tickets please"

"no- no nick i'm paying for my ticket"

he put his hand on top of mine and pushed it down to stop me from handing over my money. the worker smiled and said, "couples discount tonight! do you guys qualify?" the worker smirked. "yup!" nick said so confidently; i was absolutely flustered.

we got our tickets and headed towards the entrance of the maze.

"duuude what was that?!"

"discount is a discount. take it or leave it."

i nodded.

the maze was spooky alright. smoke, zombies, chainsaws, creepy music, and my least favorite-clowns.

we were trying to find our way through the maze, it had been a while since the last time we were chased. "'s awfully quiet." then i heard a rustle in the corn. "oh shi-" nick grabbed my arm and started sprinting. "y/n we gotta go we gotta go cmon run run run." i was confused but he seemed terrified so i ran with him.

we finally ran far ahead enough to stop and rest. "what was it??" "clown".

BOO. the clown jumped right in front of us. i screamed. somehow nick screamed higher. my heart was pounding, i said to nick, "you scream like a little girl."

"couldn't be worse than george though."

"no. worse."

i was obviously being dramatic. george screams like my little sister.

eventually we found the exit, i felt so relieved.

when we were driving home nick rolled down the windows letting in the cool, crisp fall air. we were also blasting music. i stuck my head out the window and screamed the lyrics. while doing weird head movements.


i felt like a main character. alive.

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