Sensual Discipline

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His breath came out condescended from the cold night air, as he walked out of the train. He had been traveling through the city, finally coming to a stop in front of the apartment complex he thought was the right address. He checked his phone to make sure it was correct. "This is it..."

He made his way up the stairs, reaching her floor. The closer he got the more his nerves kicked up, it was until he was a door away that his body hesitated to advance. His heart rate increased along with his breathing, not able to calm himself, his eyes staring down, not able to look at anything. He stopped at her door. The silent wind whistled across his ears as his pale cheeks grew red. He was rubbing his arm, trying to build the courage to knock. He eventually did when he felt like enough of an idiot for standing there.

A few moments after knocking, the door fully opened up. "My, Midoriya, I'm glad you found the place, alright." She slurred suggestively. She had her hand on the door frame as she leaned on it, her glazed eyes staring up and down at him. "Come in, you must be freezing." She led him in.

"Um, thanks." Still sounding as unsure as he did on the phone. He wasn't trying to stare as he walked into her apartment. She was in casual sleepwear, tank top, and shorts, with her hair up in a loose bun and her glasses. It was strangely cute because her hero suit was revealing, contrasting her current look.

"I'm sorry if my appearance isn't what you hoped for."

"N-No, actually it's r-really cute." He scratched his cheek as he stammered it.

"Well, aren't you nice," She giggled, "I appreciate it."

And because of the casual atmosphere, he let himself relax. They reached her living room. She was about to offer him a seat but wanted to ask him a question first, as he got closer.

"Sure, what is it, Midnight? Or wh-what should I call you?" Both within arms reach of each other.

"Oh, don't worry about that. It's just well," Her eyes narrowed as she bit her bottom lip. "Why did you come here?"

"Huh?" Was all he could say before his eyes rolled back, falling forward into her embrace. Her quirk had already smothered him before he realized.

She petted his hair, as she brought her lips to his ear. "You knew, it was wrong to come here, didn't you, Midoriya..." The last thing he heard before completing passing out was a hauntingly mischievous giggle.

He groaned, shaking his head as he woke up. "Huh?" He tried to open his eyes but he kept seeing darkness, realizing that something was covering his eyes, he went to free them but couldn't. His hands were tied together behind the chair he was sitting on. A cold breeze passed him and he shook a bit, also realizing that his shirt was removed, leaving him with only his pants on.

"Look, at who's awake."

"M-Midnight." He could only hear her voice, assuming she was in front of him. "Why? Wh-What are you doing?"

"What am I doing? Weren't you the one who came here... Looking for something?" The last part whispered into his ear, causing him to shiver from the unexpected damp breath.

"I-, that's not..." He trailed off weakly.

He could hear her move, the meshing of latex piercing his ears. He soon felt it, because she was straddling him. Her thighs were snug against his waist and he could feel the cut off between latex and flesh, assuming she was wearing stockings. Her hips were moving at an agonizing pace, grinding on his lap.

He hissed in a breath feeling her cold gloves. Her finger started at his chin, raising his head, as she traced along his jawline, with both hands, creeping down to his neck, gasping it ever so softly, before increasing her grip slowly, until she was sure it was difficult for him to breath. Letting go when he needed to breathe.

She let out a sound of approval as he gasped for air. She curled her arms around his head, nestling her hands in the locks of his hair.

"If you wanted to leave, you could have with your quirk... But you don't want that do you?" She was running her hands through his hair in a soothing manner.

He tensed for a moment. He could just use full cowling and break free. He didn't have to let himself be the subject of her whims. But...

"Y-You're right..."

"Then what do you want?"

"You... I want you." Admitting it more to himself.

"Good boy." She petted one more time.

Without warning, she clutched the locks of his hair with a hand and pulled back. He winced but let out a hiss of excitement. She smirked at his arousal, having felt it grow since she got on top of him.

"Oh... my..." She moaned, sucking in her breath, grinding harder against his crotch. Her body clinging closer to him, her bare bosom sloshing against his chest.

It was wet between her legs and Izuku could feel her heat rubbing against him, with only a moist fabric in between them.

Izuku began to pant in frustration after concluding that his teacher was only in latex stockings and gloves, able to feel the rest of her naked body.

He could feel her hand slide down his shoulder, taking her time to reach his pants. She undid the button and unzipped it, scooting back on his lap to pull it out.

He groaned at feeling her glove wrap around him.

"This is what you want right?" She asked before he felt her getting closer, her breath smothering his ear and neck as she whispered. "You didn't want to give it to Uraraka, did you?"

With a final slur of temptation.

"You want me to take it from you, don't you..?"

I could have walked Uraraka home. I could have never called. I could have left when I became aware of how wrong it was. But I didn't because I was tired of being good.

I wanted to be wrong.

His back was red with lashes, his wrist had rope burns, his neck had a pressed mark around in a circle, caused by a belt. His skin had a light layer of sweat. He was unconscious, unknown if he passed out from pleasure or pain.

She was smiling down at him. He was curled up on her bed using her lap as a pillow, as she petted him, humming sweet nothings, nursing him throughout the night.

Midnight's PetTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon