deadman five.

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[ IwaHina and UshiHina ahead !! If you're not a shipper then I'm sorry because this chapter's not for you.]

It was 12 am midnight when Shoyo suddenly jolted awake. His forehead sweaty while his heart pounded rapidly. He dreamt about his past. How his mother died, and how he and his sister accepted the torture.

The sudden wake and heavy breathing woke Iwaizumi up.

At first, he didn't know what to do since he's really not good with comforts. Not long when he found himself sitting on the matted floor in front of Shoyo, ready to listen to what the ginger has to say.

Shoyo hesitated as his eyes stared at Iwaizumi's. Those dark brown eyes, in some ways managed to calm his nerves down and finally got himself to speak, " I . . never really lived a normal life to start it all of."

" I was born with warmth, grew up as a bright kid, but it didn't last long when my mother died. She passed away a few years after Natsu was born." The ginger head said. Iwaizumi was about to apologize, but a part of him tells him not to and let the ginger continue in peace.

" After that . . my whole life changed. My sister's life changed. That man who I was forced to call " Dad" even though he's not started to abused us. I can't afford seeing Natsu hurt so I took the beatings, the pain, all of the violence to keep her safe." Shoyo paused, eyes starting to tear up as the image of Masaya came in his mind.

Iwaizumi was taken aback when Shoyo suddenly smiled brightly, " But things changed when Tanaka, Noya, and Yachi came to our house."

The pain in his chest slowly faded away and was replaced with unfeigned happiness that he couldn't stop smiling, " They said that there's a training camp happening at Nagoya. At first, I didn't get my hopes up, thinking that my so called " Father" won't allow me to. But he did, and he even let Natsu come with me."

" I was really happy when we arrived there. Cause we got to see you!" Shoyo smiled that he's glowing. Well, in Iwaizumi's eyes, he is. He's beaming brightly like a sparkle in the dark. And that smile oh-so warm made his cheeks heat up.

" Not just that. That's also a reason how me and my sister felt the feeling of being free."

Iwaizumi unconsciously scooted closer in front of him and leaned his forearms on the ginger's lap without realizing it. He was too into Shoyo's story. And Shoyo seemed to also not notice it.

" That accommodation's probably the place I call sanctuary. We felt safe there, and we had so much fun. Many unforgettable things happened there." Shoyo said, and Iwaizumi wondered why the ginger's pinkish cheeks blushed more. He was so clueless cause other than thinking about Shoyo while in the training camp, he's also focused on volleyball that he's unaware of Shoyo getting dicked behind his back.

" We partied, relaxed, practiced, and many more. And I . . was especially happy when . . —knowing that — all of you liked me back." Shoyo stuttered, his hands covering his face so that Iwaizumi won't see his face go scarlet.

It made Iwaizumi blush more patently, suddenly remembering how he confessed to Shoyo.

" Damn shittykawa. Damn him and his shit and his phone." Hajime cursed under his breath while stomping through the hallway and to the first gym 8 pm in the evening. Seijoh vs Inarizaki was the last match for this day and Oikawa forgot his phone there after taking their break and his scared ass pleaded Hajime to go to the first gym and get it for him.

" Damn shittykawa. Damn him and his shit and his flat ass and his things and his mom and his dad and his phone—." A satisfying sound of ball spiked on the ground stopped him in his tracks.

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